L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Base de données des politiques sans parfum au Canada

Base de données des politiques sans parfum au Canada

Épauler la Communauté et Retirer les Barrières (ECRoB)

Base de données crée en 2023

Table des matières

  • Tableaux mots clés
    • Sans fragrance
    • Vétérinaire
    • Professionnels de la santé
  • Critères d’exclusion
  • Autres
    • Interdit (N/F = Politique non trouvée)
      • Alberta
      • Colombie Britannique
      • Île-du-Prince-Édouard
      • Manitoba0
      • Nouveau-Brunswick
      • Nouvelle-Écosse
      • Ontario
      • Saskatchewan
      • Terre-neuve-et-labrador0
    • Déconseillé
      • Alberta
      • Colombie Britannique
      • Nouveau-Brunswick
      • Nouvelle-Écosse
      • Manitoba
      • Ontario
      • Saskatchewan
    • Incertain
      • Ontario
  • Hôpitaux
    • Interdit
      • Alberta
      • Colombie Britannique
      • Île-du-Prince-Édouard0
      • Manitoba0
      • Nova Scotia
      • Northwest Territories
      • Nouveau-Brunswick
      • Ontario
      • Québec
      • Saskatchewan
      • Terre-neuve-et-labrador0
      • Yukon0
    • Déconseillé
      • Manitoba
      • Nouveau-Brunswick
      • Nouvelle-Écosse
      • Ontario
      • Québec
    • Incertain
      • Manitoba
      • Ontario
      • Saskatchewan
  • Non trouvé
    • Colombie Britannique
    • Ontario
  • Autres soins de santé
    • Interdit
      • À travers le Canada
      • Alberta
      • Colombie Britannique
      • Manitoba
      • Nouvelle-Écosse
      • Nouveau-Brunswick
      • Ontario
      • Québec
      • Saskatchewan
    • Déconseillé
      • Colombie Britannique
      • Ontario
      • Nouveau-brunswick
      • Saskatchewan
  • Légal
    • Manitoba
    • Ontario
    • Terre-neuve-et-labrador
  • Fédéral
    • Interdit
      • Manitoba
      • Nouvelle-Écosse
      • Nunavut
      • Terre-neuve-et-Labrador
    • Déconseillé
      • Île-du-Prince-Édouard
      • Saskatchewan

Tableaux mots clés

Sans fragrance

Mot clésRésultats de recherche obtenusRésultats de recherche retenus
manitoba scent free14840
alberta scent free policy527
new brunswick scent free11114
british columbia scent free16927
newfoundland scent free12319
nova scotia scent free13020
saskatchewan scent free14018
prince edward island scent free687
ontario scent free22188
yukon scent free1421
northwestern territories361
québec sans fragrance/québec sans parfum1526


Mots clésRésultats de recherche obtenusRésultats de recherche retenus
scent free veterinarian canada702
scent free veterinarian alberta281
scent free veterinarian british columbia380
scent free veterinarian saskatchewan270
scent free veterinarian manitoba270
scent free veterinarian ontario401
scent free veterinarian new brunswick280
scent free veterinarian newfoundland290
scent free veterinarian nova scotia310

Professionnels de la santé

Mots clésRésultats de recherche obtenusRésultats de recherche retenus
dentist scent free canada603
physiotherapy scent free canada245
chiropractor scent free canada534
doctor clinic scent free canada965
psychologist scent free canada726
scent free acupuncture canada603
scent free osteopathy canada244
scent free massage therapy canada14510

Critères d’exclusion

Le site internet ne parle pas de l’un ou de tous les mots clés suivants: fragrance, sensibilité environnementale, sensibilité chimique multiple, sans-parfum, scent free, fragrance free, perfume-free, unscented


(municipal, communautaire, scolaire, gouvernemental, touristique, sportif, culturel, entrepreneurial, événementiel, transport, universitaire, religieux)

Interdit (N/F = Politique non trouvée)

Province/TerritoireMilieuOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
AlbertaUniversitaireUniversity of AlbertaScent-free environmentCreating a healthy workplace for employees is a priority for the Faculty of FEngineering. Due to health concerns arising from exposure to scented products, the Faculty of Engineering is committed to providing a scent-free environment for all students, employees and visitors in engineering buildings.
Norquest CollegeN/F[…] candles and scented items are not permitted in the space, due to fire regulations and because the college is a scent-free campus;
ScolaireRed Deer Catholic Regional SchoolsAdministrative Procedure no. 161 – Scent Sensitive SchoolsThe implementation and support of the fragrance/scent-free plan will be monitored in terms of the health of affected persons and in the following of the plan. 6. Scent sensitivity is a safety issue therefore repeated or consistent violation of the procedure by students, an employee or a visitor may result in discipline.
EntrepreneurialHeavenly OuthouseN/ARocky Mountain Soap Co makes natural body care products in Canada with the added bonus of no scents for extra sensitive skin and noses.
Colombie BritanniqueNationalPublic Service Alliance of CanadaScent Free policyIn consideration for the health of our Sisters and Brothers who may suffer from environmental disabilities, and with the goal of eliminating a contaminant from the air, the PSAC requests that all participants attending any union function refrain from using scented products. These include scented perfumes, colognes, lotions, hairsprays, deodorants and other products promoted by the fragrance industry.
Scolaire – SecondaireTimberline Secondary SchoolScent free zoneThe chemicals used in scented products can make some people sick, especially those with fragrance sensitivities, asthma, allergies and other medical conditions. We ask that students, staff and visitors not wear perfume, cologne, aftershave and other fragrances, and to please use fragrance free or unscented personal care products to help keep the air healthy for everyone.
Scolaire – Commission ScolaireSCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 85Scent Free Environment PolicySchool District 85 (Vancouver Island North) recognizes that health concerns may arise from exposure to scented products. To assist with the right of employees and students to work and learn in a safe and healthy environment, the Board of Education believes that scent-free environments should be provided.
School District 8 Kootenay LakeAP 260.1: Scent Free EnvironmentHealth concerns may arise from exposure to scented products. To assist with the right of employees and students to work in a safe and healthy environment, the district seeks to establish a scent free environment.
UniversitaireSimon Fraser UniversityN/FSFU supports a scent-free environment as scented products can trigger health concerns for some people. Review the information below for guidance on how to address scent concerns on campus.
EntrepreneurialPetals n BudsN/FScent Free Flower Arrangements
ÉvénementielCUPE 917Scent-Free PolicySCENT-FREE POLICY In response to the health concerns of our members and staff, CUPE has implemented a Scent-Free Policy at all of our workshops.
AssociatifBC General Employees UnionScent Free PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to provide a scent free environment for members and staff at union offices and when attending union functions
CommunautaireInclusion Parksville SocietyScent Free ZoneInclusion Parksville Society is a scent free zone; scented products (may include cologne/perfume, hair products, body sprays and lotions, cleaning products, laundry supplies, highly scented soaps and deodorants) should not be worn or used on the premises.
CulturelOkanagan Regional Library Vernon B.C.N/FBe Air Aware! We are a scent free building. Scented products can aggravate health problems for some people, especially those with asthma, allergies and other medical conditions. Please do not wear scented items, thank you for your understanding.
Vancouver Civic TheatresScent free policyThe Vancouver Civic Theatres aims to provide safe spaces for enjoying entertainment and culture for all. Please do not wear scented lotions or perfumes to the theatres.
Nanaimo Art GalleryN/FThe Gallery is a scent-free workplace. Our janitorial and bathroom products are earth-friendly and scent-free.
LocatifPacific Gardens Cohousing CommunityN/FConveniently located just minutes from downtown Nanaimo and the Vancouver Island University, Pacific Gardens is an intentional community that creates a safe, healthy, scent-free community for all.
RécréatifBamfield Marine Sciences CentreN/FBMSC has implemented a scent-free workplace environment. Exposure to scented products can adversely affect a person’s health. In high concentrations, scented products may trigger a negative response for those with allergies or chemical sensitivities. Students and visitors are asked to be considerate in their use of products such as perfume, makeup, shampoo, deodorant, etc. or from other products such as air fresheners, cleaners, etc.
Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardCulturelConfederation CentreN/FFor the comfort of guests with allergies, please do not wear fragrances in our theaters
UniversitaireUPEIScent-Free InitiativeTo create scent-free indoor work, study and play environments at UPEI. Scent-free means the smells or odours from cosmetics (perfumes, shampoos, deodorants, make-up, etc.), or from other products such as air fresheners, cleaning products, etc.
Scolaire – PrimaireStratford Elementary SchoolN/FPlease note that we are a Fish Free, Peanut Free, and Scent Free Environment.
ReligieuxThe Good Shepherd Pastoral UnitN/FWe are a Scent Free Church and we ask all parishioners to please come scent free to liturgies. We have a number of parishioners with serious allergies/migraines. Thank you.
CommunautairePEI HumaneSocietyN/FPlease note: the PEI Humane Society is a scent-free building.
ManitobaUniversitaireCanadian Mennonite UniversityScent-Free PolicyIn recognition of individuals with asthma, allergies and severe environmental/chemical sensitivities, CMU strives to be a scent-free campus. Students, staff, and guests are asked to refrain from wearing fragrances and scented personal care products at CMU. This includes perfume, cologne, aftershave and scented hair products. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
University of Manitoba – Robson HallFaculty of Law Scent-Free PolicyDue to the health concerns arising from exposure to scented products, including serious allergic reactions, the Faculty of Law is instituting a policy to provide a scent‐free environment for all employees and visitors (other faculties, including Social Work, Music, and Arts, have adopted similar policies).
Wilfrid Laurier University – Faculty of Social WorkScent-Free InitiativeStudents’ Experiences of the Scent-Free Initiative at the Faculty of Social Work
CDI CollegeScent Free BuildingPlease remember that CDI College is a scent free building. We strongly discourage the use of perfumes, colognes or heavy body sprays on premises.
ScolaireÉcole Stanley Knowles SchoolN/FÉSKS IS A SCENT FREE ZONE Please support the students and staff at École Stanley Knowles School who have allergies! When in our school, please: Use “fragrance-free” products DO NOT wear perfume, cologne or aftershave. DO NOT use hand or body creams that are scented.
Stoneybrooke Middle SchoolN/FDueck says it is all about being respectful. He notes the school has signs posted that say it is a scent free school, and students are reminded throughout the year to refrain from using colognes and strong scented lotions. He says the staff tries to put extra focus on gym change rooms, because kids used to use a lot of perfumes and cover up deodorants
EntrepreneurialKlinicN/FFriendly reminder: Klinic is a scent-free building
Sport Manitoba Fitness CentreN/FOur facility is a scent free facility. Please avoid wearing perfume, aerosol scented sprays or scents in the facility.
ReligieuxWestworth United ChurchScent Free PolicyWestworth is a scent free church. There are members of our congregation who have severe sensitivities and allergies to various scented products. We therefore request that people refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes and other scented products anywhere in our building. Candles must be dripless and scent free. Avoid bringing lilies and other scented plants into the building. Contact the church office if you have any questions.
Maranatha Evangelical Free ChurchN/FPlease note that we are a scent free building. Please refrain from wearing or applying perfumes or colognes or any form of aerosol product (deodorant/body spray) while in the building.
Temple Shalom WinnipegN/FTemple Shalom is accessible for people with limited mobility and is a scent-free environment.
Carscadden Funeral ChapelN/FThe Family asks that the Church be « Scent Free » – no perfumes or fragrances, please.
CommunautaireNine Circles Community Health CentreN/FMasks are still required in all areas of the building and we maintain a scent-free facility.
Fibromyalgia Support Group of Winnipeg, Inc.N/FPlease respect our scent free policy.
Addictions Foundation of ManitobaN/FWe are a scent free facility so please do not use any scented products.
Specialized Services for Children and YouthN/FPlease note that SSCY Centre has been designated scent-free.
CulturelManitoba Theatre for Young People (MYTP)No Scent PolicyManitoba Theatre for Young People is an intimate space where artists, audiences, children and parents come together for some of the finest live theatre in Canada. Since we all share such close quarters in the theatre, we are striving to create a fragrance-free environment. Thank you for your consideration.
Assiniboine ChorusN/FPlease note that we are a scent-free chorus.
TransportWinnipeg TransitN/FWinnipeg Transit Plus vehicles are scent free environments. We ask that all passengers not use scented products
Nouveau-BrunswickMunicipalBâtiments municipaux de la ville d’EdmundstonN/FLe port excessif de parfum n’est plus toléré dans les bâtiments municipaux d’Edmundston, au Nouveau-Brunswick, où le conseil municipal a adopté une politique de « milieu sans parfum », mardi soir.
Scolaire – PrimaireIsland View SchoolScent Free Schools PolicyIn keeping with the ASD-S Scent Free Schools Policy, all visitors and staff are not to wear any perfumes, deodorants, colognes or other similar products. This policy is attempting to ensure a healthier environment for our children.
Scolaire – CollégialBrunswick Learning Centres Inc.Scent-Free PolicyIn consideration of indoor air quality and the health of students, employees, volunteers and visitors, Brunswick Learning Centres has undertaken a scent free policy.
TouristiqueThe Artisan’s SuitesN/FPets are not allowed due to our commitment to providing a scent free and allergy free environment.
CommunautaireMature People’s NetworkN/FWe support a scent free environment.
SportifCanada Games Aquatic CentreScent-Free Building PolicyOur entire facility is a smoke-free / scent-free building. We kindly ask that facility entrances be kept clear and not used for smoking. “No scents is good sense.” Please refrain from using scented products in our facility.
Nouvelle-ÉcosseCulturelSymphony Nova ScotiaN/FSymphony Nova Scotia endeavors to provide a scent-free environment. Since several of our patrons have severe scent allergies, we ask that you please leave the cologne, perfume, hairspray, and deodorant at home.
UniversitaireDalhousie UniversityScent Free ProgramBreathe Easy ’06 is a co-operative effort of Facilities Management, Student Services, Communications and Marketing and the Environmental Health and Safety Office to remind faculty, staff and students of the University’s long standing efforts to provide a scent-free and smoke-free environment. The « Breathe Easy » slogan was chosen by a group of students who participated in a focus group created by Communications and Marketing.
Acadia UniversityShare the Air PolicyIn consideration of the difficulties that exposure to scented products causes individuals with sensitivities and allergies, all students, faculty, staff, employees of any companies working on university property, visitors, and guests of Acadia University, or of members of the University community are asked to refrain from wearing scented personal care products such as perfumes / aftershave, lotions, hair spray and deodorant.
Scolaire – PrimairePark West SchoolScent Free PolicyPark West School is a scent-aware environment. Parents and students: please do not wear perfumes, colognes, and heavily scented products to school.
Scolaire – SecondaireHorton High SchoolN/FDue to the health concerns arising from exposure to scented products, Horton High School requires a scent-free environment for all employees and visitors.
Bicentennial SchoolScent and Nut Free PolicyOur school is also scent-aware. We have individuals in the building who are sensitive to scents contained in items such as personal care products and laundry products. Please choose scent-free products when you come to our school whenever possible.
EntrepreneurialACAP Cape BretonEnvironmentally Friendly ProductsThese products are designed to be as safe as possible for the environment. They are scent-free, hypoallergenic, and made here in Nova Scotia. In fact, Down East All Purpose Cleaner was the first cleaning product licensed under Environment Canada’s Environmental Choice Program in 1997!
CommunautaireOpportunity PlaceScent Free ZoneNo Scents Makes Sense! Perfume and scents can trigger asthma attacks, migraines, COPD, and MCS. For the comfort and safety of all staff and clients, we appreciate your cooperation in keeping Opportunity Place a scent and fragrance-free environment.
Immigrant Services – Association of Nova ScotiaScent-free policyISANS offices are wheelchair accessible, have barrier free washrooms, and a scent-free policy. If you have any questions about accessibility, please contact us at
Antigonish Women’s Centre & Sexual Assault ServicesN/FScent free Office
ÉvénementielElderberries Social GroupN/FA social follows each program, with a potluck provided by the members, featuring a mix of home-made or store-bought main dishes, snacks, or sweets. Coffee and tea are provided. Meetings are alcohol-free, scent-free, and pet-free. Assistance dogs are welcome.
OntarioCommunautaire (sociétés, fondations, OBNLs)Children’s Aid Society of TorontoN/FAll employees of the Society shall not wear perfumed aftershave lotions, perfumes or colognes while at work. These products are the subject of immediate prohibition because their main function is to add scent to one’s own self. Employees are expected to be cognizant of any other scented personal products* worn at work, and wherever possible to substitute those products with unscented alternatives.
TransportToronto Transit CommissionEnvironmental Sensitivity PolicyThe Environmental Sensitivity Policy defines the rules and guidelines for persons travelling on Wheel-Trans service who have an environmental sensitivity. This policy requests that all persons travelling on Wheel-Trans services refrain from using scented products in order to promote a scent-free environment while on-board Wheel-Trans services. The policy defines what an environmental sensitivity/disability is and what accommodations are required to ensure the health and safety of all persons travelling on board a vehicle.
UniversitaireUniversity of TorontoScent Free EnvironmentWe share the air. Help make U of T a scent-free zone! Please avoid the use of perfume, cologne, hairspray and other scented products when you visit the Health & Wellness clinics.
University Of WindsorScent-Free GuidelinesThe University of Windsor represents all of its community including students, faculty and staff in its support of the efforts to create a scent-free University. In consideration of the difficulties that exposure to these products cause sensitive individuals, the University encourages faculty, staff, students and visitors to avoid the use of scented personal care products.
York UniversityN/FYork University is a smoke-free, vape-free and scent-free campus.
Schulich medicine and dentistryCannot access, need login IDScents have been known to cause irritation of the eyes, throat and nose for some individuals with allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions. They can also cause health effects such as dizziness, headaches, skin irritation, fatigue and other symptoms for some people. Individuals situated within hospitals will be well aware of scent-free policies. We encourage everyone to promote a scent-free environment across the School.
Confederation CollegeFragrance Free Operating Practise3.1 Individual members of the College community will avoid the use of the following products:
perfume, cologne, after shave; personal care products containing fragrance, such as soaps, hand lotions, deodorants, hair products, body powders, sprays and lotions, makeup, shaving cream, sunscreen; and laundry products containing fragrance, such as fabric softeners and laundry detergents.
3.2 Individual members of the College community will refrain from introducing the following products into College facilities:
air fresheners, room deodorizers, potpourri; candles containing fragrances; and personal care products containing fragrances.
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College & the Okanagan CharterScent FreeCMCC has policies that promote the Okanagan Charter, e.g., our Scent Free Campus and Smoke Free Campus policies.
Scolaire – PrimaireGarth Webb S.S. SchoolScent Free EnvironmentOur school is a Scent Free Environment. Please help us to accommodate the members of our school community who are sensitive and/or allergic to fragrances and other scented products by keeping the air fragrance free. Please do not wear fragrances or scented products. Thank you.
Peel Elementary Teachers’ LocalBe Scent Aware GuidelinesThe PDSB is a “scent-free” workplace, and we are reminded to avoid using scented products that may have a negative health impact on others. They are not just limited to colognes and perfumes, but can include lotions, creams, soaps, laundry detergents, deodorants, among other things.
Scolaire – SecondaireSir Winston Churchill Secondary SchoolN/FSWC is Scent Free!
Victory Public SchoolScent Free ZoneSome people in our school are extremely sensitive to scented products such as scented hand-sanitizers, scented sunscreen, perfume, aftershave, deodorant, soap, air fresheners, fabric softeners, laundry detergents, essential oils, fresh cut flowers, etc. The presence of these products can adversely affect a person’s health, including life threatening reactions. Please do not wear or use these products in school. Thank you for helping ensure that Victory PS is a healthy and safe learning and working environment for all. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Anderson.
Scolaire – Commission scolaireRoch Carrier School DistrictScent-Free FacilityPlease be aware that effective immediately, Roch Carrier Elementary School is a fragrance/scent-safe work and learning environment. This will apply to all staff, students, parents, visitors, and volunteers who work or visit the school.
Superior Greenstone School BoardFragrance – Scent Safe Workplace GuidelineIn the interest of creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for employees, this procedure has been developed to assist principals/managers with implementing a fragrance/scent-safe workplace when made aware that an employee is experiencing an adverse reaction to fragrances/scents in their work environment.
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School BoardGuidelines for a Scent-Safe WorkplaceThe Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board (SMCDSB), as an employer, has a duty to accommodate employees who may be adversely affected or suffer a severe medical reaction when exposed to a fragrance or scented product. Further, it is recognized by SMCDSB that in order to provide consistent Fragrance/Scent-Safe conditions at all facilities and amongst all workplace stakeholders, that this program be applied at all locations even in the absence of an identified accommodation. In all cases the minimum awareness considerations will be applied.
Thames Valley District School BoardScent Free PolicyThe Thames Valley District School Board is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for all individuals by promoting a fragrance free environment. Students are asked to refrain from wearing scented products to school in consideration for those students and staff that have sensitivity or allergies to scented products.
MunicipalNiagara-on-the-Lake TownScent Free Policy No. P-CS-17-003The Town is a scent-free environment and prohibits the use of synthetic fragrance at any time, as it may cause adverse physical effects that threaten the ongoing health and safety of our employees, residents, and visitors.
City of HamiltonScented Products in the WorkplaceThis guideline is intended to raise awareness about the effects of scented products on some individuals, as well as to provide information to individuals as to what to do if they are affected by the use of these products at the workplace.
ReligieuxShaughnessy Heights United ChurchFragrance PolicyShaughnessy Heights United Church is committed to eliminating health concerns arising from exposure to scent and scented products by maintaining a scent-safe environment for everyone on SHUC premises. All congregants, employees, renters and visitors will refrain from using or wearing scented products at SHUC facilities.
TouristiqueBlack River CottagesFragrance free policyFragrance free policy: Many people are extremely sensitive to perfumes, colognes and lingering food smells. Please do not spray perfumes, colognes or after shave in the cottage. Please do not cook strong flavored food inside the cottage.
Any lingering odors will result in the $300 damage/cleaning deposit not being refunded.
Please help us to accommodate our guests who are sensitive to fragrances and odors.
SaskatchewanScolaire – PrimaireRegina Public SchoolsN/FRegina Public Schools is a Scent-Free Workplace
John Dolan SchoolN/FJohn Dolan School is a scent-free and nut-free environment.
AssociatifSaskatchewan Government and General Employees’ Union (SGEU)N/FSGEU IS A SCENT FREE WORKPLACE.
Scolaire – SecondaireClover Bar Junior HighScent Aware SchoolClover Bar Junior High has both students and staff with severe allergies to peanut-based products, and scented products. These products can have life-threatening reactions.
Please send snacks and foods that are peanut free.
Scented products are not to be brought to the school, and all staff and students should consciously limit their personal use of scented body products and hair care products on school days.
ReligieuxSt. Vincent de Paul ParishN/FWith your help we strive to be a scent free church! Many of our parishioners suffer from adverse affects to scents from perfumes, lotions, after shave products, essential oils, etc. We appreciate you refraining from the use of scented products when attending St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you !
ÉvénementielCUPE EducationScent-Free PolicyIn response to the health concerns of our members and staff, CUPE has implemented a Scent-Free Policy at all of our workshops.
CulturelpaNOWN/FPLEASE BE ADVISED WE ARE A SCENT FREE FACILITY – please refrain from wearing perfume or any scented products
Communautaire211 SaskatchewanN/FScent-free office.
The Depot Trading Post
Depot is a scent-free institution. Please do not bring perfume or cologne as these products can cause health issues for people sensitive to scents and may impact their ability to complete the training program. Whenever possible, buy unscented hair care and other personal care products.
TransportUniversal Collision Centre in ReginaN/FFinally, we have modern, scent-free customer lounge.
Terre-neuve-et-labradorCulturelArts and Culture Centre St John’sScent free policyACC IS SCENT FREE
Please remember to avoid wearing scented products when attending an event or performance at the ACC. We ask people to respect our scent free policy in an effort to provide our patrons and visitors with a healthy and safe environment.
Holy Heart TheatreN/FWe are a scent-free building, please refrain from wearing scents to our theatre.
Bridge on the edge, Inc.N/FPlease remember that Bridge on the Edge is a scent-free bridge club. We have several members who are severely allergic to scent.
UniversitaireMemorial University – Faculty of MedicineScent-Free ProgramThe Faculty of Medicine’s Scent-Free Program is a co-operative effort by Facilities Management and Occupational Health and Safety to remind faculty, staff, students, and visitors that all facilities within the Faculty of Medicine are scent-free.
ScolaireBishop Feild ElementaryN/FFor the safety of students and staff with severe allergies, asthma and sensitivities, please be advised that Bishop Feild Elementary is a scent aware school. We ask students, parents and visitors to please refrain from wearing scented personal products, heavy detergents and no perfume or cologne (during your interview time and) any time you visit us.
Phoenix AcademyScent-free policyWe also have some students/staff who have sensitivities to certain scents which cause them to have allergic reactions and symptoms. As was the case in past years, the ‘scent-free’ policy for our school will remain in place. We ask parents to please ensure that scented items such as deodorants, perfumes, colognes, hairsprays, etc… not be brought to school for use unless they are “scent-free”.
TouristiqueIslands Villa Lewisporte NewfoundlandN/FEach of our suites is “smoke-free”, “pet-free”, and “scent-free”.
Meems’ Elliston B & BN/FWe are scent-free, and can help facilitate any/all requests.
MunicipalNewfoundland and Labrador Public Sector Pensioners’Newfoundland and Labrador Public Sector Pensioners’ AssociationIn recognition of the potential health and comfort risks associated with scented products, the NLPSPA has instituted a Scent-Free Policy.
St. John’s City HallN/FThe area is a scent free environment […].
AssociatifAssociation (NLPSPA)Scent-Free PolicyThe Newfoundland and Labrador Public Sector Pensioners’ Association (NLPSPA) is committed to ensuring a healthy, safe, and comfortable employment, membership and visitor location for its staff, Board Directors and volunteers, its members, and its business partners and suppliers. In recognition of the potential health and comfort risks associated with scented products, the NLPSPA has instituted a Scent-Free Policy.
ÉvénementielSeniorsNLN/FPlease respect that all events are scent free safe and sober environments.
NL GamesN/FThe NL Games are scent free. Please do not bring or wear any scented products or perfumes.
ReligieuxTopsail United ChurchN/FProud to be A Scent-Free Environment


Province/TerritoireDomaine/milieuOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
AlbertaUniversitaireUniversity of CalgaryN/FThere is a growing understanding that the health of some people is adversely affected by exposure to scented products. There are members of our community who may not be able to use facilities such as study spaces, libraries, theatres, classrooms, and work spaces due to the presence of scented personal care products. See for information about the health effects related to scented personal care products and alternatives that you can choose.
Scolaire – PrimaireFireside SchoolF/FWhen you come to Fireside School, please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, or scented products. Please do not bring perfumes or scented products into our school. Thank you for your attention to and respect of this health concern and for helping us to keep everyone safe from reactions this school year.
Colombie BritanniqueUniversitaireUBCScent Free ProgramUBC Okanagan has implemented a voluntary Scent Free Program on campus. Look for the No Scents is Good Sense poster throughout campus promoting a healthier scent-free environment.
Camosun CollegeN/FThe College strives to minimize the negative effect to individuals from exposure to perfumes, scents and other odours within our facilities. That is why Camosun has implemented the Scent Awareness Program on campus. We ask for your voluntary cooperation in promoting a scent free environment.
Vancouver Community CollegeScent AwarenessWith this in mind, Vancouver Community Library encourages all employees, students, and visitors to voluntarily reduce or eliminate the use of scented products at both VCC library locations. The library is requesting that individuals voluntarily refrain from using scented products, as opposed to banning individuals from using scented products.
Langara CollegeN/FScent and Odour-Free Environment Guideline: FAQs
University of VictoriaN/FThe University of Victoria is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for employees, students, and visitors. The university encourages all members of the campus community to avoid the use of scented products in work areas, classrooms and public spaces, as such products have the potential to impact the health of some individuals.
ScolaireSurrey Teachers’ AssociationN/FConsidering going Scent Free
Nouveau-BrunswickScolaire – Primaire et secondaireAnglophone South School DistrictASD-S-235Anglophone South School District values the health of its students ans staff and is committed to providing an allergy reduced learning/working environment. While recognizing that complete elimination is virtually impossible, the expectation is to minimize the risk of exposure by providing information, heightening awareness and adopting avoidance procedures where possible.
UniversitaireNew Brunswick Community CollegeScent Reduction InitiativeThis initiative encourages all staff, students, and visitors to refrain from wearing or using fragrances or scented products in NBCC facilities and in College owned vehicles.
University of New Brunswick Saint JohnScent Reduction Initiative“We will provide a positive working and learning environment, one in which all members of our community are respectful and respected as individuals” (UNB Strategic Plan 2012, p. 19) In keeping with this goal, and the rights of all members of the university community to a safe environment, this reduced scent initiative is needed to educate our community and enable safe participation in the working and learning environment.
CommunautaireWorkSafeNB WorkshopsN/FWorkSafeNB promotes a scent-free environment at its workshops. We can’t guarantee, however, there will be no scents that could trigger allergies.
Nouvelle-ÉcosseMunicipalHalifax Regional MunicipalityScent Reduction Workplace InitiativeEmployees are expected to be respectful of fellow employees who may experience allergies or sensitivities to fragrances found in perfumes, hair sprays, deodorants, creams and other personal grooming products. All employees are encouraged to: 1. Choose personal care products that are low-scent or scent-neutral when in the workplace. 2. Use low-scent or non-scented cleaning products at HRM locations.
UniversitaireNSCAD UniversityScent Reduced Workplace Policy no.5.9Medical evidence shows that scented products may be harmful to those with allergies, environmental sensitivities or chronic heart or lung disease. In support of NSCAD’s commitment to the provision of a healthy and safe environment for faculty, students, employees, and visitors, NSCAD will implement and maintain a scent reduction policy. As well, wherever possible, NSCAD will purchase or use reduced or non-scented products. Staff is expected to communicate this commitment to the attention of the individuals who are using scented products. This should be done in a cordial and respectful manner.
CommunautaireFeed Nova ScotiaN/FIS FEED NOVA SCOTIA SCENT FREE? Yes…and no. We ask staff and volunteers not to wear any perfumes, colognes or other scented products. But because of some of the products we receive (detergents, soaps, etc.), there is a chance there will be scents in the air, specifically in our warehouses.
ManitobaUniversitaireUniversity of WinnipegScent Free GuidelineWith this guideline we are increasing the awareness of the University of Winnipeg community regarding the need to eliminate the use of scented products wherever possible as well as providing best practices for the management of scent related complaints and concerns, because of the potential impact of fragrance chemicals on the health and well being, productivity and lifestyle of those affected. The University of Winnipeg is committed to a safe and healthy environment for faculty, staff, students and the larger community.
University of Manitoba – Rady School of Health SciencesN/FScented products should be avoided, recognizing that some individuals have allergies and/or are sensitive to certain chemicals in scented products. Fragrances and other scented hygiene products shall not be used/worn in designated scent free zones. In areas that are not designated scent free zones, fragrances and scented hygiene products shall be used/worn in moderation and shall abide by any directions received in regard to the limitation or use of products with scents and/or fragrances to accommodate those with scent and/or fragrance allergies.
Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech)N/FSo, when a scent cannot be unanimously agreed upon (and good luck to you with that!) it must simply be removed. There are ways to reap the benefits of scent through taste (flavoured water) and sight (artwork, plant life) and that will just have to suffice until you’re in the privacy of your own car or home.
ÉvénementielRBC Convention Centre WinnipegN/FThe RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg is a fully accessible facility. MITT encourages graduating students and their guests to consider the comfort of others and to wear scent-free products at this event.
Emergency Medicine Prairie Annual ConferenceN/FTo ensure the comfort of everyone attending this event, we ask that all participants refrain from wearing scented products.
CulturelChess ManitobaN/FCMU is striving to be a scent-free environment. In recognition of individuals who struggle with asthma, allergies and environmental/chemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing fragrances and scented products on campus.
Canada’s Royal Winnipeg BalletN/FShare the air, go scent free. We ask that you please be considerate of those in the audience who may have allergies and/or multiple chemical sensitivities and refrain from wearing perfume, cologne or other scented products.
Centennial Concert HallN/FShare the air – Consider going scent free when attending performances, our guests with allergies will appreciate it.
OntarioUniversitaireWestern UniversityScent Awareness GuidelineThis guideline is offered as a method of raising the awareness of all persons entering Western buildings regarding the need to eliminate the use of scented products wherever possible as well as providing best practices for the management of scent-related complaints and concerns.
University of GuelphN/FPlease remember that we all share the air. To ensure the health and wellbeing of all those who study, work and visit here, please help us to maintain a scent awareness workplace. Switching to scent-free products may cause some minor inconveniences for some but will provide a healthier workplace for all. Please post the « Share the Air » poster in your work area and encourage all members of the campus community to eliminate the use of scented products whenever possible
Saint Mary’s UniversityScent AwarenessScented products can trigger serious health reactions in people with asthma, bronchitis, migraines, allergies or chemical sensitivities. Please help us maintain a healthy environment for everyone by not wearing scented products.
Trent UniversityN/FIn order to protect those individuals with fragrance sensitivities and to possibly prevent others from developing such sensitivities, the University is asking for voluntary cooperation towards a scent-reduced environment. Faculty, staff, students and visitors are strongly encouraged to avoid or reduce the use of fragranced products, and to replace them with unscented alternatives. This is a request to voluntarily refrain from chemical-based scented products, and not a ban on scented products.
University of WaterlooN/FWhen scented products are worn inside, the potential impact on human health is magnified. Most people use soap, shampoo, deodorant, laundry products, hair spray, lotions, cosmetics and fragrances on a daily basis. Please be considerate of the others you share spaces with and avoid using scented products.
Scolaire – Commission scolaireToronto District School BoardScent AwareThe TDSB community is encouraged to reduce the use of fragrances and scented products.
SaskatchewanUniversitaireUniversity of SaskatchewanScent Awareness GuidelinesThe University of Saskatchewan is committed to creating an environment that promotes and supports the health and well-being for all who study, live, visit or work at all of our campuses. We recognize that scented products may negatively impact some individuals’ health so we have put together guidelines around scented products in the workplace. The intent of this document is to: ▪ offer stakeholders a general understanding and a consistent approach when addressing scent concerns in the workplace and steps to take to resolve this health concern, ▪ increase awareness and encourage cooperation from the community in eliminating scents in the workplace that can be harmful to others, and ▪ accommodate those with medical conditions related to scents.
AssociatifSaskatchewan Association for Safe Workplaces in HealthN/FTo control and/or minimize the adverse reactions to individuals with sensitivities, employers develop a scent free policy. The use of scented personal products by staff, physicians, clients, residents, visitors, contractors and volunteers may be prohibited.


Province/TerritoireMilieuOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
OntarioCommunautaireAlliance for Healthier CommunitiesAOHC Scent Free PolicyAs a general guideline AOHC asks that any scent should not be detectable at more than an arm’s length from the individual.
UniversitaireCarleton UniversityScent Free Zone



Province/TerritoireNiveau organisationnelOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
AlbertaInstitutionnelAlberta Health ServicesN/FWe are scent free. Help us keep the air we share healthy and fragrance free. Avoid wearing or bringing scents into our sites, including perfumes, scented fabric softener, hairsprays, lotions, candles or fresh-cut flowers.
Colombie Britannique InstitutionnelSt. Paul’s HospitalNo Scent PolicyThe hospital is scent-free. Please do not bring or use scented items during your stay in the hospital.
Mount Saint Joseph HospitalNo Scent PolicyOur hospital is SCENT-FREE. Please do not wear perfume or cologne.
University Hospital of Northern British Columbia Patient GuideFragrance Free EnvironmentUHNBC is fragrance free; please do not wear perfume, cologne, aftershave or scented personal care products while you are a patient or visitor at UHNBC. This can cause a severe allergic reaction for some staff members and patients.
BC Children’s Hospital – Sunny HillN/FSunny Hill is also pleased to offer a scent-free environment. Please do not wear perfume, cologne or aftershave when you visit us.
BC CancerN/FBC Cancer is a Scent-Free environment. In consideration of other patients and staff who have scent related allergies
Fraser HealthScent-Free PolicyTo ensure the health and well-being of persons in the workplace with chemical sensitivities, all employees, physicians, students, contractors, volunteers, clients and visitors are to refrain from using, wearing and bringing scented products In Fraser Health facilities.
Vancouver Coastal HealthScented Products PolicyTo accommodate individuals who are allergic to strong scents, all staff must avoid the use of scented products as outlined in the Scented Products policy. (I couldn’t access the said policy)
Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardInstitutionnelHealth PEI (Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Prince County Hospital, Kings County Memorial Hospital, Hillsborough Hospital, Souris Hospital, Community Hospital O’Leary, Western Hospital)N/FYes, Health PEI facilities are scent-free. Refrain from wearing scented products and do not provide highly scented flowers to patients or staff.
ManitobaMultiorganisationnelWinnipeg Regional Health AuthorityDress Code Policy 20.70.010 p.3Individual facilities may choose to designate their facility as “scent free zones”. Fragrances and other scented hygiene products shall not be used/worn by staff in designated scent free zones.
Southern HealthN/FSouthern Health-Santé Sud health centres are smoke-free and scent-free environments. Talk to your health care provider for smoking cessation services available to help you cope before and/or during your stay.
Integrated Chronic Care ServiceNo Scent is Good SensePlease only use scent-free products before coming to ICCS for your in-person appointments.
Nova ScotiaMultiorganisationnelNova Scotia Health AuthorityScent Awareness AD-OHS-035Team Members: 2.1. Must notify Occupational Health, Safety & Wellness (OHSW) and their Immediate Supervisor/Manager of any known allergic reactions or medical conditions related to scents and/or chemical odours requiring accommodation. 2.2. Are expected to use unscented personal hygiene products such as, but not limited to, shampoo, deodorant/antiperspirant, soap, hairspray, and laundry detergent/dryer sheets. 2.3. Must not wear perfume, cologne, after shave, use essential oils, including scented natural products in the definition of Scents.
Northwest TerritoriesInstitutionnelStanton Territorial HospitalN/FAs well, Stanton is a scent-free environment.
Nouveau-BrunswickMultiorganisationnelHorizon Health NetworkScent-Free Environment HHN-1032 (01/20)Horizon facilities offer a scent-free environment. Scented products (i.e. hair products, deodorant, perfume/colognes/aftershave, lotions, cosmetics, fabric softeners, essential oils, etc.) may cause unintended patients, clients, family and staff. Please refrain from wearing scented products.
OntarioInstitutionnelServices de santé de Chapleau Health ServicesPolitique concernant les produits sans parfumSSCHS est un environnement sans parfum. Les produits parfumés contiennent certains produits chimiques qui peuvent causer de graves problèmes aux personnes souffrant d’asthme, d’allergies, de migraines et de maladies environnementales. (page d’accueil)
Shelbourne HealthScent Free PolicyScent Policy Sherbourne is committed to providing a scent-free environment. We ask all visitors to refrain from wearing and or using such products while on site.
Health and Social Services Haldimand and NorfolkN/FALL COUNTY BUILDINGS ARE SCENT FREE. All persons visiting our buildings must not use scented body products. Many people have allergies or sensitivities, and may experience severe symptoms and health problems. Thank you for your co-operation.
L’Hôpital d’OttawaN/FThe Ottawa Hospital is a scent free facility.
Women’s college hospitalFragrance free policyPlease wear fragrance-free products and avoid using perfumes and colognes when visiting the hospital as some of our patients, visitors and staff feel sick when exposed to fragrances.
Windsor-Essex County Health UnitFragrance Free WorkplaceThe Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is a fragrance free workplace.
UHN (Toronto General, Toronto Western, Princess Margaret, Toronto Rehab, Michener Institute)Scent-Free policyScented products can affect our staff, patients and visitors who are sensitive or have allergies. All individuals are asked to refrain from wearing or using scented personal products while in any UHN buildings. Scented personal products may include shampoos and conditioners, hairsprays, deodorants, colognes and aftershaves, and fragrances and perfumes.
Albany Medical Patient CaringN/FSeveral members of our Clinic are severely allergic to scents. We ask you to please not wear perfume, cologne, or other strongly scented products before coming to the Clinic.
Morton Community HealthCare CentreScent Free PolicyScent Free Policy The MCHC is a scent free facility. For the comfort and health of our patients, staff and physicians, we request that you refrain from smoking and using scented products prior to visiting the Centre.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare HamiltonSt-Joe’s Scent-Free Environment Policy (007-OHS)We are committed to providing a scent-free environment. We request that all staff, physicians, learners, volunteers, patients and visitors respect the health of others and use unscented/fragrance-free personal care products.
Mount Sinai HospitalN/FWe are a scent-free hospital. Please refrain from wearing scented products when you visit.
McClausland HospitalScent-Free PolicyTo minimize the potential adverse allergic and/or medical reactions associated with exposure to scented products, the McCausland Hospital is now a SCENT-FREE facility.
Le Centre des sciences de la santé de Kingston (Hopital Hotel Dieu, Hopital Général de Kingston)Environnement sans parfumDans le but d’assurer la sécurité et le confort des personnes souffrant d’allergies et de sensibilités, veuillez noter que tous les sites du CSSK sont des environnements sans parfum.
Orilla Soldiers’ Memorial HospitalN/FScented personal products like perfume, cologne, aftershave, hairspray, deodorant or lotion can cause serious problems for patients, staff and visitors, especially those with asthma, allergies, migraines, and environmental illness. To keep a healthy environment, we ask that you wear only unscented personal products when you are at the hospital.
Middlesex Hospital AllianceSafe Environment PolicyThe Middlesex Hospital Alliance’s Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital and Four Counties Health Services both observe a Safe Environment Policy. This policy prohibits latex balloons and asks that patients and their visitors refrain from wearing and using fragrance and scented products at the hospital.
Erin Shores HealthCareScent Free PolicyConsidering others who may suffer from chemical sensitivities and/or allergies, we request that you refrain from wearing scents such as perfumes, colognes, hairspray or aftershave when at Erie Shores HealthCare.
Children’s Hospital of Eastern OntarioN/FCHEO aims to provide a peanut-safe and scent-free environment. Please do not bring any products that contain peanuts or wear any perfume when visiting someone at the hospital.
Campbellford Memorial HospitalScent Sensitivity PolicyEmployees, patients and visitors shall not wear cologne, perfume, aftershave lotions, scented lotions or body washes in the Hospital.
London Health Sciences CentreFragrance-free policyPlease note that LHSC is fragrance-free. To prevent allergic reactions and respiratory distress for other patients, visitors and staff, please do not use or bring any scented products to your appointment, and ask your friends or family members to do the same.
Muskoka Health CareScent-Free PolicyToiletries – soap, toothpaste and toothbrush, shampoo, denture care supplies, shaving supplies, deodorant. (Please note that all of our sites are ‘fragrance-free’ so ensure your toiletries are free of scent.)
Georgian Bay General HospitalScent-Free PolicyTo protect patients and staff with allergies and asthma, GBGH promotes a “Scent Free” environment. Please do not wear scented products, essential oils, or perfumes, and encourage your visitors to respect this policy.
Northumberland Hills HospitalFragrance-Free EnvironmentAs such, all employees, professional staff, volunteers, contractors, students, visitors and patients are expected to not wear perfume, cologne, lotion, aftershave and other fragrances when visiting the hospital or our community-based mental health clinic. The use of unscented personal care products is greatly appreciated. Thank you for being sensitive to others.
Health Sciences North Horizon Santé-NordN/FTo protect the health and well-being of our patients, visitors and staff, Health Sciences North kindly requests that you do not wear or use any scented products while on hospital property.
Hôpital Glengarry Memorial HospitalN/FMany elements in the environment can trigger or influence health and disease. In consideration of others who may suffer from chemical sensitivities and/or allergies, we request that you refrain from wearing scents such as perfumes, colognes, hairspray or aftershave when at Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital.
Dryden Regional Health CenterN/FPlease refrain from using perfumes or heavily scented creams or lotions. Scented products often adversely affect those with allergies, asthma, migraines and chemical sensitivities. […] DRHC strives to ensure the comfort and safety of staff, patients and visitors by requiring a fragrance-free environment.
Santé Manitouwadge HealthN/FExposure to scents and fragrances in the environment can cause discomfort as well as directly impacting the health of sensitive individuals. For the comfort and health of all, scented and fragrant products are not to be worn or brought into the facility.
Hamilton Health SciencesN/FFor the safety and comfort of those with allergies and sensitivities, please respect that the hospital is scent-sensitive environment and do not wear any scented products or bring flowers with scents into the hospital.
Halton HealthcareN/FPerfume, after-shave cologne or other scented personal care products are not permitted in the hospital as some people can be severely allergic to them. Please do not bring highly fragrant flowers, such as hyacinths or lilies, into the hospital as they can trigger allergic reactions.
Quinte Healthcare CorporationPolicy No :2.3.2 Accessibility – Multiple Chemical SensitivitiesPatients experiencing or presenting to Quinte Healthcare Corporation (QHC) with multiple chemical sensitivities will have all available interventions and alternatives implemented in his/her plan of care to accommodate his/her disability.
Tillsonburg District Memorial HospitalN/FWhen visiting the hospital, we ask that you refrain from wearing scented products such as perfume, cologne, aftershave, lotions, body sprays, deodorant, hair products, laundry detergent and softeners.
Lakeridge HealthGeneral policyAll of our hospital sites are latex and scent-free. Latex and scents can cause allergic reactions for many people.
Cornwall Community HospitalN/FCCH is a scent safe environment for all individuals who may be sensitive to scented products.
Queensway Carleton HospitalN/FPlease ensure that visitors are aware of the Queensway Carleton Hospital scent-free policy. Please do not bring scented flowers or wear scented products to the hospital.
Hôtel-Dieu Grace HealthcareN/FHDGH is a scent-safe organization. Scented products can cause allergic reactions and respiratory distress for other patients, visitors and staff.
Kemptville District HospitalN/FKDH is a scent-free facility. In consideration of others who may suffer from allergies or chemical sensitivities, we ask that you don’t bring or send live flowers, or wear perfume or other scented products while at KDH.
Alexandra Hospital IngersollScent Free PolicyWhen visiting the hospital, we ask that you refrain from wearing scented products such as perfume, cologne, aftershave, lotions, body sprays, deodorant, hair products, laundry detergent and softeners.
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences CenterN/FFor the comfort and health of all, scented and fragrant products are not to be worn in the Health Sciences Centre. Also, strongly scented flowers (ie: Lilies) may not be accepted on particular units.
St. Mary’s General HospitalScent Free PolicySt. Mary’s has a Scent Free Poilicy that applies to all patients, visitors, staff, physicians, volunteers, students and contractors. For the safety and comfort of those with allergies, scent sensitivities and breathing issues, please do not use scented products such as colognes, aftershaves, lotions, perfumes and scented personal care products.
Geraldton District HospitalEnvironment Friendly Limited Fragrance WorkplaceAll Hospital employees and affiliates, both in patient and non-patient care areas will not wear scented personal products. The Geraldton District Hospital will endeavour to purchase and utilize fragrance-free patient care products.
Grey Bruce Health ServicesScent Safe Workplace ADMIN-795Adverse allergic or medical reactions to fragrances are common. In consideration of others and these potential reactions, please refrain from using scented products.
North of Superior Healthcare GroupScent-Free PolicyTo minimize the potential adverse allergic and/or medical reactions associated with exposure to scented products, the McCausland Hospital is now a SCENT-FREE facility.
MunicipalNiagara Health (Niagara-on-the-LakeScent Free PolicyFragrances can make people sick. Staff, patients and visitors are requested to avoid wearing perfume, aftershave and other scented products when they come to Niagara Health. No strongly scented flowers, please.
QuébecInstitutionnelHôpital LavalPolitique no: DRH 504 – Politique relative à la tenue vestimentaire et à l’apparence personnelleL’usage du parfum est à éviter pour tous les intervenants auprès des usagers. (p.5)
Hull Hospital in GatineauScent-free policyAt the time of the publishing of this document (February 14, 2019), the only hospital in Quebec which has a scent-free policy is only the Emergency department of the ‘Hull Hospital in Gatineau’. If you have Environmental Sensitivities (ES), visiting a hospital in Quebec will put you at a risk of a sensitivity reaction. The safer alternative for ES sufferers living in Quebec would be to visit hospitals in neighboring provinces such as Ontario, New Brunswick or Newfoundland and Labrador, where hospitals with scent-free policies exist.
SaskatchewanInstitutionnelSaskatchewan Cancer AgencyScent Free WorkplaceAll areas of the Agency are designated as “scent free”.
Saskatchewan Genealogical Society (SGS)N/F* * * NOTE: The SGS Office and Library is a SCENT FREE work environment.* * *
Due to the size of our facility, the records maintained, and staff sensitivities we ask that you visit us SCENT FREE. Persons attending the library or office wearing fragrance may be asked to leave the premise.
Terre-neuve-et-labradorMultiorganisationnelEastern HealthScent Safety HR-OH(o) – 270Scented products are to be avoided in Eastern Health workplaces. Individuals are asked to take reasonable precautions to minimize the impact of scented products in the workplace. This includes not wearing or bringing scented products into the workplace, and refraining from activities and/or situations that emit or agitate scents (i.e.; adding heat). Wherever reasonably achievable, it also includes notifying patients, clients, residents, and visitors and agents such as contractors of this policy before they enter the premises.
Western HealthOCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY – SCENT FREE ENVIRONMENTThe use of scented personal products by staff, patients, clients, residents, visitors, contractors and volunteers is prohibited. Western Health supervisors, employees, and medical staff must inform non-compliant individuals of our Scent Free Environment Policy in a respectful and nonconfrontational manner. Employees and volunteers with known allergic reactions or medical condition related to scented products are asked to notify their supervisor.
InstitutionnelLabrador-Grenfell HealthScent-Free environment policyLabrador-Grenfell Health has a Scent-Free environment policy. Many people experience unpleasant, and sometimes very serious, physical reactions to scented products, such as perfumes and colognes. To protect our clients and staff who have allergies to such products, we ask that you please respect our policy and refrain from wearing scents in our facilities.
YukonProvincialYukon hospitalsN/F[…] all Yukon hospitals have a policy to keep the buildings scent-free. This means we ask all patients, visitors, volunteers and staff not to use any scented products when they are in or coming to a hospital.


Province/TerritoireNiveau organisationnelOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
ManitobaInstitutionnelRiverview Health CareN/FOut of consideration for those who are allergic or sensitive to certain products, fragrances and other highly scented products are discouraged. We ask that visitors refrain from using highly scented products when they come to visit.
Nouveau-BrunswickInstitutionnelLe Centre Hospitalier Restigouche (CHR)Politique sans parfumLes produits personnels fortement parfumés sont déconseillés.
Nouvelle-ÉcosseInstitutionnelIWK Health CentreScent Reduction PolicyThe IWK Health Centre will proactively work toward a scent reduced environment and make every effort to purchase and use products which are scent free. The IWK Health Centre is committed to the provision of a healthy, safe, and scent reduced environment for patients, families, staff, volunteers, students, and visitors.
OntarioInstitutionnelGrand River HospitalN/FScent and fragrances can cause discomfort and even allergic reactions for patients, families and care providers. Whenever you come to GRH for care or to visit, please don’t wear or bring in scented products (e.g. colognes, aftershaves, perfumes, hand creams, body lotions, deodorants, hair products, cleaning materials, strong-scented flowers etc).
Southlake Regional Health CentreN/FColognes, perfumes, body sprays, scented personal care items. Southlake is a scent-reduced environment. Please refrain from wearing/using scented products (e.g. colognes, perfumes).
North Bay Regional Health CentreN/FPlease refrain from using scented products while visiting the hospital.
QuébecInstitutionnelCHU Sainte-Justine7.7 – Le parfumLe parfum doit être discret et ne pas nuire au bien-être des patients et des collègues. (p.6-7)
L’HÔPITAL MARIE-CLARACPolitique vestimentaire de l’Hôpital Marie-ClaracLes parfums et les lotions doivent être sobres et discrets afin de ne pas gêner les usagers ou les collègues de travail et leur causer des désagréments […]. (p.3)
L’HÔPITAL MONT-SINAÏ DE MONTRÉALN/FNous demandons aux membres des familles, aux visiteurs et aux membres du personnel d’éviter les parfums, les eaux de Cologne, et les déodorants dont l’odeur est prononcée. (p.13)


Province/TerritoireNiveau organisationnelOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
ManitobaInstitutionnelInterlake-Eastern Reguonal Health AuthorityN/ATheir website says to leave perfumes//scented toiletries at home, but there is no policy on the matter.
OntarioInstitutionnelMackenzie HealthScent-free PolicyOn their website, it says that they are a scent-free property, but their scent-free policy only seems to concern tobacco products.
Hanover and District HospitalSmoke-freeOn their website, it says that they are a Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Property, but there is no mention of a scent-free or fragrance-free policy.
SaskatchewanInstitutionnelSaskatchewan Health AuthorityN/FExposure to the ingredients or chemicals in scented products can harm others. Everyone can help our environment to be safe and healthy by being scent-free when coming into an SHA facility. The SHA will strive to provide scent-free products for patients and residents, however, there may be some items that currently do not have a scent-free option.

Non trouvé

Province/TerritoireNiveau organisationnelOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
Colombie BritanniqueInstitutionnelHoly Family HospitalN/AN/A
OntarioInstitutionnelUniversity of Ottawa Heart InstituteN/AN/A
Brant Community Healthcare SystemN/AN/A
Mattawa HospitalN/AN/A

Autres soins de santé


Province/TerritoireDomaineOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
À travers le CanadaOstéopathieOsteopathy Chronic Pain Clinics of CanadaN/FYou can expect a scent free, warm & relaxing environment during your treatment.
AlbertaVétérinaireHeartland Veterinary ClinicN/FWe kindly ask that you refrain from wearing scented products such as: perfume, cologne, body spray, etc. when you bring your pets in for an appointment as some of our staff and clients are allergic to fragrances.
ChiroDr. Jeff HedrichN/FOur office is scent free so please do not wear perfumes or scented products.
NaturopathieTrue Nature Health ClinicClinic Scent Free PolicyBecause we take all of our patients’ health seriously, if you wear fragrances to the office, you will not be able to stay for your appointment. You can choose to have a consultation over the phone (i.e.: in your car) or reschedule the appointment (this will be treated as a late cancellation, incurring the cancellation fee). This policy is effective April 1, 2014.
Colombie BritanniquePhysiothérapieComox Physiotherapy ClinicN/FComox Physiotherapy is a scent-free clinic. Please refrain from wearing scented products when visiting us.
Clinique multidisciplinaireMoss Health CareScent Free ZoneMoss Healthcare strives to be a Scent Free Zone as we have patients/clients/staff who are hypersensitive to scents. Please take a second thought before your appointment to be considerate of others.
MassageWest End WellnessN/FRelax while a registered massage therapist provides the best prenatal massage care possible in one of our scent-free rooms.
Downtown Victoria Massage TherapyScent-free policyOur clinic has a scent-free policy. Please avoid wearing strong scents, lotions, or perfumes, and please refrain from smoking before treatment.
Clinique multidisciplinaire (ostéopathie, physiothérapie)Life TherapiesN/FAt Life Therapies, we believe true health comes from nature so we ensure all of our treatment rooms provide a peaceful and tranquil setting in a professional, welcoming, and scent-free environment.
Salt TherapySaltWonderN/FHimalayan Salt Cave is a SCENT FREE AREA – APPOINTMENT REQUIRED!
OstéopathieBITSN/FWe are a Scent Free clinic! Thank you for respecting those sensitivities, allergies, asthma or other medical conditions. Please do not wear products with fragrance to your appointment
ManitobaOrdre professionnelCollege of Medical Laboratory Technologists of ManitobaN/FAll meetings of the College are smoke-free and scent free.
The College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of ManitobaN/FCollege building is smoke-free and scent-free.
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of ManitobaFragrance-Free PolicyIn response to health concerns, CLPNM has a fragrance-free policy and is a scent-free environment. Please do not use scented products while on College premises for work, education, appointments, or other business.
Services psychologiquesEden Health CareN/FPlease note, our facility is a scent free facility.
Clinique communautaireAnnapolis Collaborative PracticeScent PolicyWe are a scent free environment. Please do not wear cologne or perfume when visiting our clinic as some of our staff and patients are sensitive to strong odours.
Nouvelle-ÉcosseChiroEase ChiropracticN/FYou will be cared for in a comfortable, family-friendly, scent-free environment.
Long-term care facilitiesNakile Home for Special CareN/FNakile is a smoke free and scent free home
PhysiothérapieWinnock PhysiotherapySmoke and Scent free BuildingSmoke and Scent free building: no perfumes, colognes, and after-shave. Try to avoid any scented products.
Scotia PhysiotherapyScent-free PolicyAs part of our commitment to provide a safe environment for our patients, clients, health care practitioners, and employees, Scotia Physiotherapy has a scent free policy. Please refrain from wearing perfume, scented hairspray, cologne, scented deodorant, aftershave, or any other scented products when you come to our clinic. Scented products contain chemicals which can cause migraines, nausea, and even breathing problems for people with asthma, allergies, and environmental illness.
Clinique communautaireSunnybrook health sciences centerFragrance Free policyMany elements in the environment can trigger or influence health and disease. In consideration of others who may suffer from chemical sensitivities and/or allergies, we request that you refrain from wearing scents such as perfumes, colognes, hairspray or aftershave when at Sunnybrook.
OstéopathieBadaire Manual OsteopathyN/FAlso note that the clinic is a SCENT FREE space.
Nouveau-BrunswickNaturopathieForever Healthy Allergy Elimination CenterN/FWe strive to maintain a scent free environment for our clients and for your added convenience, evening appointments are available.
DentisteSherbrooke DentalN/FOur office offers: […] Scent-Free Environment
MassageMassage MattersN/FAt our scent free clinic we offer Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and Kinesio Taping. Our welcoming, well trained staff focus on the specific needs of each client.
OntarioCliniques communautairesRideau Community Health ServicesScent Free PolicyAll staff, volunteers, students, and clients are to refrain from wearing scented products. For the purpose of this policy, a fragrance will be defined as a substance that emits a distinctly noticeable scent which includes but is not limited to perfume, cologne, after shave, body spray, air fresheners and cleaning products.
IAVGO Community Health ClinicN/FScent-free Environment IAVGO is a scent-free environment so please avoid wearing scents or fragrances when coming to our office.
Peterborough clinicFragrance Free SpaceThe Peterborough Clinic is a Scent Free facility and requests that patients do no wear any perfumes, colognes, hand creams, etc… with a fragrance for the health of fellow patients and for our employees. Thank you.
AssociatifServices de santé Royal Ottawa (SSRO)Politiques et procédures de l’organisme – Environnement sans parfum CORP IV-i-240Les SSRO s’emploient à offrir un milieu de travail et un environnement sans parfum. L’organisme doit éliminer, dans la mesure du possible, l’utilisation de produits parfumés ou ayant d’autres propriétés connues pouvant causer des allergies ou d’autres problèmes de santé chez les patients, le personnel et les visiteurs. (p.1)
Association des centres de santé de l’Ontario (ACSO)Politique de l’ACSO pour un milieu de travail sans parfumL’ACSO offre un environnement sans parfum. Veuillez vous abstenir de porter des produits parfumés au travail. En raison des problèmes de santé que peut causer chez certaines personnes l’exposition à des produits parfumés, l’Association des centres de santé de l’Ontario (ACSO) a instauré une politique visant à créer un environnement sans parfum pour tous les employés et visiteurs. (p.1)
Peace Health Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic is a scent-free zone. The chemicals used in scented products can make some people sick, especially those with fragrance sensitivities, asthma, allergies and other medical conditions.
Pathways Healing
Organisme de bienfaisancePeterborough Public HealthN/FAll staff and visitors are asked to refrain from using, wearing, and bringing scented products and materials into Peterborough Public Health (PPH). Many people are sensitive to scented products. Thank you for keeping our building scent-free!
Public Health Santé publique Sudbury & DistrictsN/FScent-free environment: Our locations are scent-free. Please do not use scented products if you will be in our office locations. Thank you
Long-term careAlgonquin Family Team HealthScent-Free PolicyEffective September 1, 2010, scented products will not be allowed within AFHT’s Howland Building, Wellness Hub, and Dorset Health Hub facilities at any time. This includes colognes/perfumes, scented deodorants, hairsprays, lotions, air fresheners, cleaning materials, and other products which could be considered an irritant for those with scent sensitivities.
Region of Peel Long Term CareN/FScent-free environment Perfumes, colognes and body sprays contain fragrances that can cause health risks and allergic reactions. For the comfort and health of everyone at our centres, we ask that our visitors not use scented products before or during their visit.
F.J. Davey HomeN/FWe are a « SCENT FREE » environment
Résidence aînésProvidence CareN/FFor the safety and comfort of those with allergies and scent sensitivities, please do not wear scented products or bring scented flowers when you come to Providence Manor. Local florists are able to suggest no-scent floral options. Scented personal products include shampoos and conditioners, hairspray, deodorants, colognes and aftershaves, perfumes and lotions.
Soins psychologiquesCentre for Addiction and Mental HealthN/FScent-Free Scented products can affect our staff, patients and visitors who are sensitive or have allergies. All individuals are asked to refrain from wearing or using scented personal products while in any CAMH buildings. Scented personal products may include fragrances, shampoos and conditioners, hairsprays, deodorants, colognes and aftershaves.
Canadian Mental Health Association – Sundridge OfficeN/FPlease be aware that our offices are scent-free environments. We ask that all visitors refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes, lotions, or other scented products.
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health SciencesN/FScent-Free Please refrain from wearing or using scented personal products while at Ontario Shores. Scented products contain chemicals that can cause serious problems for people with asthma, allergies, migraines, and other health conditions. Aftershave lotion, hairsprays, perfume, cologne, or other scented personal products may contain these chemicals.
Ottawa Therapists and PsychologistsN/FWe aspire to provide a scent free environment – no scents makes sense! We occasionally have service animals in our waiting area/offices; if you have allergies or concerns please let your practitioner know.
VétérinaireSpay and Neuter ClinicN/FThe City of Ottawa Spay/Neuter Clinic is a scent-free building, please refrain from wearing scented products in our workplace.
The Holistic VetN/FWe are a scent-free environment. Please refrain from wearing perfumes and strong essential oils.
ChiroNorfolk Chiropractic Wellness CentreN/FNorfolk Chiropractic Wellness Centre strives to be a scent-free zone, as we have both patients and practitioners with serious allergies to chemical fragrances. Please avoid wearing any perfumes, colognes, scented aftershaves etc to your visit to help us keep everyone safe and healthy. We do occasionally use naturally scented therapeutic creams and oils. If you do not wish to have your practitioner use these during your treatment, please let them know at the beginning of your visit.
KUCAN CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE CLINICN/FWe continue to endeavour to be a scent-free clinic and are using Health Canada approved peroxide-based disinfectants, which are odourless and highly-effective against COVID-19, as well as many other pathogens.
PhysiothérapieLifemark Physiotherapy WellandN/FWe are a scent-free facility.
DentisteDentistry in AuroraScent-free policyIn consideration of others, this office has a SCENT-FREE policy like most hospitals today so you are please asked to wear no perfume, cologne, strong deodorant, aftershave, hairspray or scented clothing . Many people are extremely sensitive to and made more ill by these chemical products. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Heritage DentalScent-free zoneWe are a scent-free zone
MassageMaitland Massage TherapyScent-Free policyDance with Us Ottawa has announced a Scent-Free policy for their studio. I will have to consider this policy for Maitland Massage Therapy also. For most people, I think this already common sense, but there are people out there who still enjoy a variety of additional scents, perhaps not realizing their impact on people with more delicate immune systems
LiveWell HealthN/FPlease refrain from wearing any scented products or other scents on the day of your treatment. Kris has a severe scent allergy. Scents can include: deodorant, perfumes, colognes, fabric softeners, lotions, body care products, soaps etc.
MyokineticN/FPlease respect that this is a scent free environment for both you and others.
QuébecOrdre ProfessionnelOrdre des infirmières et infirmiers du QuébecLa tenue vestimentaire des infirmières[…] l’usage du parfum est à éviter pour ne pas gêner le client ni lui causer de désagréments. (p.9)
SaskatchewanPhysiothérapieRegina Sports & Physiotherapy ClinicN/FAlso, please note that the Regina Sports & Physiotherapy Clinic is a scent-free environment.
Soins psychologiquesBroad Street ClinicN/FDue to patient allergies, we are a scent free environment which includes Marijuana and Alcohol scent
ChiroEast Quance Chiropractic clinicN/FWe are a scent free office so we ask that you please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, aftershave, scented lotions, and other fragrances on days that you are coming in for an appointment. The chemicals used in scented products can make some people sick, especially those with fragrance sensitivities, asthma, allergies and other medical conditions. Help us keep the air we share healthy and fragrance-free. Thank you.


Province/TerritoireDomaineOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
Colombie BritanniqueMassageNanoose Bay Massage Therapy ClinicN/FScent-Free Environment: In courtesy of those with sensitivities to scents, please refrain from wearing them in the office
Sid Hawkins Massage therapyN/FMy office is scent free, but the building is not.
OntarioMassageLifeHealthMassage Therapeutic ClinicN/FLifeHealthMassage Therapeutic Clinic implements a Soft Scent Policy. We ask clients to refrain from using large amounts of perfumes and other scented products.
OstéopathieGoodwill HealingN/FDue to the severe reactions that some of our clients / patients experience, we ask that you kindly observe the following points while at the office. Avoid wearing cologne, perfume or body sprayDo not bring food of any kind into the lobby or treatment rooms as some people have severe reactions and anaphylactic shock syndrome. Avoid smoking immediately prior to treatment as it not only permeates the environment but may have a negative effect in treatment response.
Nouveau-brunswickMassageMassage AddictN/FSkip the scents. Avoid perfume, cologne or other scents on the day of your massage.
SaskatchewanNaturopathieRegina NaturopathN/FScent-free: Please refrain from wearing strong scents in the clinic.


Province/TerritoireNiveau organisationnelOrganismeNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
ManitobaCourCourts Division Manitoba JusticeSCENT-FREE WORKPLACE POLICYIn considering the health needs and wellbeing of employees and the requirement to provide a healthy working environment to every employee, the management of the Courts Division has implemented a scent-free policy. Members of the legal profession and the public, when planning to attend at court offices in Manitoba, are asked to please consider the following: • If you cannot avoid the use of scented products, please use them sparingly with the intent that scents will not be noticeable; and • Please refrain from applying or reapplying scented products while at court offices
OntarioFondationLa Fondation du droit de l’OntarioN/FUnder Ontario’s Human Rights Code, housing providers have a legal obligation to respond to the needs of tenants with disabilities, such as environmental sensitivities.
CliniqueArch Disability Law Centre
This FREE event is wheelchair accessible and promotes a scent-free environment. Please do not use products that have scents, fragrances or essential oils in them such as perfume, body sprays, lotions or other scented products including shampoo, conditioner, laundry products, etc.
Terre-neuve-et-labradorCourSupreme CourtScent-Free PolicyThis is a friendly reminder that the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador is a scent-free environment. If you arrive wearing any type of scented product, you may be denied entry.



Province/TerritoireDépartementNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
ManitobaManitoba Government and General Employees’ UnionScent-free policyDue to increasing sensitivities and allergies to strong scents, all MGEU events, including Membership Education Courses, are scent-free.
Nouvelle-ÉcosseProvince HouseN/FProvince House is a scent free building.
NunavutDepartment of Health and Social ServicesPolicy 05-028-00 Scent-Free WorkplaceThe Department of Health and Social Services will provide a scent-free work environment, in accordance with the Human Resources policy.
Terre-neuve-et-LabradorNewfoundland and Labrador Treasury and SecretariatScent PolicyThe use of scented products in government workplaces is to be avoided to provide employees, clients and visitors with a healthy and safe environment.


Province/TerritoireDépartementNom de la politiqueExtrait pertinent
Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardPEI Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations9.03 Scent Reduction PolicyThe Government of Prince Edward Island and the P.E.I. Union of Public Sector Employees have collaborated to create a policy to provide a scent reduced environment within the Civil Service.
SaskatchewanGovernment of SaskatchewanGuidelines for Addressing Allergies and Sensitivities in the WorkplaceThe Government of Saskatchewan is committed to ensuring workplace health, safety and wellness. Allergens and sensitivities present a health concern for some individuals in the workplace and addressing them requires a consistent approach.

Endroits où l’on utilise des produits fragrance free
