L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

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Empowering Community and Removal of Barriers (ECRoB) Project

The ECRoB project recognizes that the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) community has often been marginalized by the Canadian legal system, and that substantial work remains to be undertaken to ensure all-encompassing accessibility. Nevertheless, several legal mechanisms can currently assist the MCS community in advocating for their rights and securing accommodation and compensation. These mechanisms span pre-trial resources like mediation and extend to tools applicable within tribunals and courts.

While ASEQ-EHAQ does not dispense legal advice, we recognize the pressing need for comprehensive legal information to assist both the MCS community and legal professionals in navigating this specific legal landscape. Thus, this represents an attempt to educate community members about their existing rights. Despite the vast necessity to explore various legal areas pertaining to MCS, constraints in resources and time confine our focus to human rights for this project’s initial phase. This focus is pivotal in empowering individuals to comprehend their rights when they seek accommodation, compensation, or consider taking a discrimination case to the human rights tribunal due to their condition, among other situations.

Before delving directly into sections that will assist you in understanding the process of filing a human rights complaint, we strongly advise you to review pre-litigation resources. These include best practices, guidelines on requesting accommodation, alternative dispute resolution methods, and other pertinent topics.

We hope that these resources will aid you or someone you know in obtaining better accessibility and improving your situation.