L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Attention: Laundry Facility Users

Inclusive Laundry Notice

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Attention: Laundry Facility Users

Empowering Community and Removal of Barriers (ECRoB)

We want to create a safe, comfortable, healthy environment for everyone using this shared laundry facility. Some individuals have specific health concerns, such as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), asthma, autism, COPD, migraines, and dermatitis, which can be triggered by certain laundry products. To support their well-being, we kindly ask for your cooperation by following these scent/fragrance-free and hypoallergenic laundry guidelines:

Choose Scent/Fragrance-Free and Hypoallergenic Products:

Please use laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and dryer sheets that do not contain fragrances. The chemicals contained in the fragrances in these products can cause adverse reactions in people with respiratory issues, MCS and other health conditions. Opt for scent/fragrance-free, lowest-emission, hypoallergenic laundry products specially formulated for sensitive skin. These products are designed to minimize the risk of triggering adverse reactions for individuals with specific health concerns. Choose products with certified ECOLOGO.

Be aware of: ‘greenwashing,’ which is the appearance of a healthy product (white bottle with green images), the creation of logos which are not certified, and products marked ‘unscented’ or ‘scent-free.’ They may contain masking agents used to remove the smell of the scent, but the chemicals that trigger symptoms are still present.

Choose Healthy Products:

Use fragrance-free least-toxic laundry products free from dyes, and harsh additives. These substances can irritate the airways and cause allergies or respiratory discomfort. These products are harmful to everyone, but people with health issues are the first to react to them – like the proverbial canaries in the coal mine.

Keep Machines Clean:

After each use, take a moment to clean the washing machine and dryer thoroughly. This helps remove any residue and ensures a fresh and comfortable experience for the next user. Remember to wipe down surfaces, clear lint, and empty dryer lint traps.

Be Inclusive and Promote Accessibility:

It’s vital to foster an inclusive environment that recognizes the need for clean and healthy air. There are numerous health conditions and disabilities that rely on a pollutant-free environment for accessibility.

Please be considerate of others’ needs and mindful of some individuals’ health concerns. Let’s create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone using this laundry facility!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Together, we can make a difference!

For help with product choices, visit: