L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Sample Disability Accommodations

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

MCS Sample Disability Accommodations

Empowering Community and Removal of Barriers (ECRoB) Project

Getting disability accommodations is essential, as it removes barriers to access for people with MCS. They include the following:

  • Implement and monitor a fragrance/scent-free, lowest-emission, and least-toxic product use policy that would include all products used by the occupants of the building, including products used for cleaning, maintenance, or ecological pest control.
  • Allow for good ventilation and separate exhaust for equipment that releases volatile organic compounds, such as from copiers and printers. It is important to use healthy products at the source and not rely on diluting air pollution through ventilation.
  • Ensure clean air intake into the building. For example, not where cars, buses, or trucks are idling, or where people gather to smoke.
  • Work from home – especially during renovations, pesticide use, or other times that could result in exposure.
  • Flexible hours to travel during low-traffic periods to lessen vehicle exhaust exposure.
  • Only use the least toxic ecological pest control.
  • Low-VOC to non-toxic products are used for renovations with adequate ventilation to off-gas chemical emissions.
  • To work in a room where the door can be shut, an air purifier used, and/or the window opened if required.
  • Include the person with MCS in policies, procedures, choice of product use, and the development of emergency procedures.
  • For breaks and rest periods, provide a well-ventilated area, free of triggers.
  • Allow for additional breaks for symptom relief.
  • Modify job tasks to eliminate exposures to specific triggers.

Regular cleaning and replacement of HVAC and air filters.

  • Provide non-toxic personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize exposure risks, such as gloves or masks when required.

This tipsheet is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and treatment options for your situation.