L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Press Release

Michel Gaudet, Executive Director 

Environmental Health Associations of Québec and Canada

Press Release

For Immediate Release


February 28, 2024

On February 29, 2024, from 5:00 to 7:30 pm, we will present a groundbreaking online legal event aimed at promoting awareness and advocating for the rights of individuals with a disability, titled ‘Accessible Justice and Human Rights for Persons with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)’.

Training eligibility for this event for lawyers has been confirmed by the Québec Bar (Barreau du Québec) for mandatory continuing education, for a duration of 2 ½ hours.

Renowned speakers include lawyers: Philippe-André Tessier, President, Quebec Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission (CDPDJ); Julius Grey (Grey Casgrain, S.E.N.C.), Patrick Martin-Ménard (Ménard, Martin, Lawyers), Pierre-Luc Fréchette, Robert Lattanzio, and John Molot, MD. Included are an education counselor from the Human Rights Commission Québec, and representatives from the Environmental Health Associations of Québec and Canada, and La Confédération des organismes de personnes handicapées du Québec (COPHAN).

Lawyer Patrick Ménard, one of the main speakers at the event stated ‘What we often see with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, is the fact that these diagnoses are very often misunderstood by the healthcare employees and even doctors’ View the interview at this link. He further adds ‘If a patient presents multiple chemical sensitivity and asks to receive healthcare from a professional that does not have perfume, the professional who is seeing that patient has to take these concerns into account. In a situation where a patient with their needs or concern is not being taken into account, could lead to a complaint by the patient, to the ombudsman of the hospital to receive healthcare’. The interview can be viewed at this link. Julius Grey, a renowned Human Rights lawyer also made a strong statement for the support of this disability, and his interview is available here.

Registration link ** Speakers ** Description & Agenda ** Webpage ** Perfume-Free

The event features informative sessions led by distinguished legal professionals who delve into the legal landscape surrounding disabilities, highlighting recent developments, challenges faced by the community, and avenues for improved advocacy. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the legal frameworks supporting disability rights, fostering a deeper understanding of the issues faced by individuals living with MCS.

In Canada, over 1.1 million people have a diagnosis of MCS (CCHS, 2020), a medical condition and recognized disability, whose prevalence has been increasing (CCHS, 2000-2020). The socio-economic impact of this disability costs Canadians billions of dollars in lost wages alone. It does not include lost taxes; costs of social support; loss from lack of functioning in the workplace and society, or the incalculable sorrow and pain caused to those affected.

This event is through a project titled, Empowering Community and Removal of Barriers (ECRoB), which is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Partnership Programs, Disability Component.

The ECRoB project has important partners across Canada, representing many disciplines.
