L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

We thank our volunteers

ASEQ-EHAQ sincerely thanks all our volunteers


Yifan Wang

Masters of Science, University of Montreal

Title: Research Data Analyst

Investigating the impact of the health measures for COVID-19 on people living with MCS. Contributing to the team as a Research Data Analyst for research on MCS.

Nikolas Argiropoulos

Specialization in Statistics and Major in Psychology at Concordia University

Title: Research Data Analyst

As a research data analyst my job is multifaceted. I work directly with the Executive Director and advisors to help plan; coordinate write research projects and papers. I create the data code book, clean, manipulate, analyze and interpret data, which I then present to the Executive Director, advisors and colleagues to make empirical decisions and used for peer-review publication.

Sophie Cardinal

Passionate about environmental issues, I am currently pursuing an Environmental degree with a minor concentration in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at McGill University. My interests lie in how the environment affects human health and health policy, which aligns with ASEQ-EHAQ’s mission for advocacy, education and awareness of environmental sensitivities. 

Aurane Couenne

For several years now, I have taken a great interest in the environment and the health of those around me, trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle that respects the environment.
Although interested, I had never been involved in an Environmental Association. Volunteering at ASEQ-EHAQ is therefore, for me, a great way to get involved in a cause that is essential, and to grow the movement for environmental health.
By participating in the creation of the ECO LIVING GUIDE website, I am happy to learn and help inform people about healthy alternatives and ecological solutions to use for everyday living.

Jessica Jiinn Lee

Why did you choose to volunteer for the ASEQ-EHAQ?

I have embarked on a journey of low impact living for five years now, as sustainability has always been a core value of mine. Today, as a finance undergraduate pursuing a Master of Research in sustainable investment, I love to challenge myself to integrate environmental considerations into conventional finance to achieve greater societal benefits.

By volunteering in the creative writing process of newsletters at ASEQ-EHAQ, I have been given the opportunity to further my learning on a variety of subjects related to sustainability and release my inner creativity into projects that I consider purposeful and insightful, to spread more awareness on environmental sensitivity.

Cristina Ortiz Peñate

Throughout my academic career, I became interested in sustainable development, defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In line with this interest, I began looking into the issue of sustainability with regards to the environment, and I became concerned with the way environmental change stands to affect humans, their health, and their livelihoods. As my interest in environmental matters grew, I stumbled across ASEQ-EHAQ and the issue of environmental sensitivities, which I had no previous knowledge of. Since I started volunteering for the association, I have deepened my knowledge of environmental sensitivities and have grown much more conscious of my lifestyle and ecological choices. I am currently working on a project on microplastic pollution and its effects for the association, which I hope will help inform people about the dangers of the use of plastic in their daily lives.


Clementine Pierrefeu

My name is Clementine Pierrefeu and I chose to volunteer for the Environmental Health Association of Quebec because the environment is an issue that I am passionate about. Volunteering at ASEQ-EHAQ is a way for me to start getting involved, raising awareness on how the state of our health is intrinsically linked with how we treat our environment. I will definitely push this vocation further through my Master of Development in environmental sustainability.

Julien Lanouette-Babin

Julien Lanouette-Babin

Why did I choose to volunteer for the ASEQ-EHAQ ?

Because this association voices my preoccupations and I want to inform on current environmental issues. Also, I wish to contribute with my environmental knowledge (both in geography, Earth and atmospheric sciences).


Elsa Landaverde

As a nurse and masters student in environmental health, I am very curious about how our environment can influence our overall health. Health prevention and promotion are topics that I am very passionate about and I want to pursue later on in my career. When I discovered the topic of environmental sensitivities, I was shocked to learn that a large group of individuals were affected by this disabling condition with very little resources to seek help. As a volunteer I hope to strengthen their voices and contribute to the recognition of ES.

Isis Palay

Isis Palay

Isis is a student in environmental policy, who has just finished a Bachelor in Environment and Development at McGill. She is passionate about managing and protecting natural resources, but also about the idea of environmental justice for all. When she learned that people suffering from environmental sensitivity received so little medical and financial aid from the government, she wanted to help ASEQ-EHAQ in its noble mission.

Pauline Beaupré

Pauline Beaupré

I got involved as a volunteer with the EHAQ in order to help the organization make its cause heard and with the goal of making information related to environmental hypersensitivities more accessible.

EHAQ conveys an important message of mutual support, compassion, respect and protection of the environment, which fits well into the values of Quebecers, making me a proud volunteer.

Yixuan Ma

As a marketing student and an environmentally-conscious person, I am very glad that I could help with the marketing plan of ASEQ and promote the concept of Environmental Health, Environmental Sensitivities, and Ecological solutions. I am happy to be involved in this project and help in building a connection between ASEQ and people who seek an improvement in the environment and health. 

Karina Kramer

As a student in environmental studies and communications, I am very passionate about raising awareness on various environmental issues through media and communication platforms. Volunteering at ASEQ-EHAQ as the blog writer has allowed me to combine my knowledge in these areas, enabling me to give insight on environmental sensitivities to those who seek it. I love that I am able to raise awareness on different aspects of this health issue through the blog posts, and I am thankful that this opportunity was given to me by such an amazing association. 

Zuozhou Su

Environmental Issues have been an important agenda in many countries around the world recent years, especially the issue of environmental health, which directly impacts people’s lives. Therefore. I would like to use my knowledge and specialty to raise awareness of these issues, to make more people understand the consequence of environmental pollution on their health as well as the impact on their day to day lives. I want to make the world a better place. Therefore, I choose to work for ASEQ to build a better future for all of us.