L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Québec

Board Members

Board Members

Rohini Peris – President
Michel Gaudet – Vice-President & Executive Director
Tony Izzo – Treasurer, Fundraising and Events
Marlene Higgins – Secretary
Dr. Jennifer Armstrong – Documentation on Research
Judith Cohen – Legal
Robert Morariu – Marketing
Nicole Frechette – Administrator
Rosa Iacono – Administrator
Marie Eve Dury – Administrator

Honorary board members & advisors to the board

Riina Bray BASc MSc MD FCFP MHSc Medical Director, Environmental Health Clinic. Women’s College Hospital Co-Chair Environmental Health Committee. Ontario College of Family Physicians Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Toronto
John Molot, MD (
(1942 – 2022) Lynn Marshall, MD FAAEM FRSCH MCFP LM
Pierre Auger, MD  FRCPC  Occupational Medecine
Marie Andrée Pigeon, MD – Doctor in charge of occupational medicine and medical consultant in public health


Michel Gaudet

25 years of community service

Title: Executive Director

Michel Gaudet has twenty-five years of community stewardship and has led successful campaigns on important issues related to health and the environment and Human Rights. Past President of the Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, he also serves as the Vice-President of ASEQ-EHAQ. Michel works diligently with staff, board members and the advisors to the board, to ensure that ASEQ-EHAQ devotes its energy towards its mission.

François Deschamps

D.E.A. Astronomy and space techniques, University Toulouse III, France

Computer consultant, creator of software packages, databases, various applications and websites (25 years of experience in the field)

Writer and blogger

Title : Website management

Takes care of the administration and the modifications of the site.