L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Toxicology: it’s not just the dose that makes the poison

History Toxicology began as the science of poisons. History shows that civilizations actually used their knowledge of poisons to murder and replace numerous kings and emperors. The concept of the use of chemical substances changed in the 15th century when Paracelsus, considered the father of modern toxicology, stated, “It’s the dose that makes the poison.” He understood that for every […]

COVID-19 and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Thoughts on a survey

The Environmental Health Association of Québec (ASEQ-EHAQ) recently sought volunteers to complete a survey “as part of [their] research study on the impacts of COVID-19 health measures on the quality of life of adults with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)”. Having suffered MCS for many years, I felt ready to reflect on my experience. Much of the survey asked about how […]