L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec


The Environmental Health Association of Québec presents a range of workshops / webinars on issues surrounding environmental sensitivities in order to help and support people who suffer from environmental sensitivities and also to create awareness within the population so that this medical condition can be prevented.

In 2012, we collaborated with UQAM, the Service aux collectivités de l’UQAM and TELUQ to develop a project on environmental sensitivities which was funded by the Ministry of Education, Québec. The project was titled Environmental Sensitivities: How to manage this condition? Workshops on the biological and legal aspects. Thirty people were trained from eleven regions of Québec, and workshops were held in ten regions of Québec. The title of the workshop is: When the Environment Makes you Ill: Need to understand, need to act.

To view the content of the workshop, kindly visit our website:

If you are interested in a workshop / webinar, please email us at

There is no cost for this workshop / webinar. However, post COVID-19, we would appreciate travel and other actual costs such as materials provided to participants. Since we are a not-for-profit group, donations are appreciated.

The workshop can be tailored to suit your needs. For instance, we could accommodate the duration of the workshop and the content you would like covered depending on the audience. We have given these workshops not only to people who suffer from environmental sensitivities but also to community groups, professionals and for workplace accommodation.

For a list of the other workshops that we have, please click here.

To view past workshops, please click here.