L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

The Impacts of COVID-19 Health Measures on the Quality of Life of Adults with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
A Qualitative Study

The MCS/COVID project survey is now closed

We thank those who have participated in our short online survey. The survey is now closed. Your participation will help improve the quality of life of those experiencing MCS and improve understanding of the condition in the current health context. For those still in the process of completing the survey, you will still be able to submit your response.

Please visit this page often for new updates on the MCS/COVID project!  


During the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) have faced unique challenges, as the increased use of disinfectants and cleaning products due to public health measures has heightened risks and difficulties for this population.

ASEQ-EHAQ presents a qualitative study that delves into these challenges, examining the impact of the pandemic on the quality of life for people living with MCS and exploring potential solutions to address their needs. The research aims to raise awareness, inform policymakers, and encourage accommodations to better the lives of those with MCS. To participate in the study, click the link here to access the survey.

MCS and COVID-19:

Physical distancing measures and lack of access to public spaces are likely to worsen the social impacts and isolation for those with MCS. Disinfectants and cleaning agents can trigger MCS symptoms, meaning that this population may require additional precautions to maintain their health. The MCS population is also vulnerable to severe COVID-19 cases, as many of them are over 50 years old and have one or more chronic conditions.

Significance of the Study:

This study is essential for public health, as over one million Canadians have been diagnosed with MCS, and the number of cases has been increasing. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased exposure to disinfectants and cleaning agents, which can significantly impact the quality of life for individuals with MCS. By raising awareness and providing evidence-based data, the study aims to help decision-makers improve accommodation measures, introduce least-toxic alternatives, and better prepare this vulnerable population for the ongoing health crisis.

Methodology and Objectives:

The study seeks to qualitatively examine the quality of life for adults with MCS in Canada, exploring how the physical environment, healthcare, and social support have been affected by the pandemic. It aims to compare differences and similarities across various provinces and territories, assess the overall burden or benefit from the pandemic, and gain a better understanding of the needs of people living with MCS.

Primary Outcomes and Goals:

The study focused on five domains of quality of life: physical health, psychological health, social relationships, the physical environment, and the use of healthcare or other services. The results of this study will not only shed light on the challenges faced by those with MCS during the COVID-19 pandemic but also guide future research, policymaking, and healthcare practices to better accommodate this population.

Our research offers valuable insights into the experiences of individuals with MCS during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope our findings will raise awareness, guide policymakers, and encourage accommodations that improve the lives of those affected by MCS. By understanding their struggles and addressing their needs, we can work together to create a safer, more inclusive environment for all.