L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Become a member

Come join ASEQ-EHAQ, a passionate group of over 2,000 global citizens, working together to help protect human health and the environment. Joining the Environmental Health Association of Québec (ASEQ-EHAQ) means your voice will be heard to help create an accessible, eco-friendly world. Together, we are working to support people with environmental sensitivities such as multiple chemical sensitivities by expanding knowledge, expanding education, and increasing accessibility through our many ongoing projects. Additionally, you’ll help us raise awareness on environmental issues and provide least toxic strategies for everyday living.

ASEQ-EHAQ relies on people like you to support our mission and allow us to carry out our projects. Join us to amplify the voice of people experiencing Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and help ensure a clean and safe environment for future generations. There are many ways to get involved, start by becoming a member today!

Together we can turn need into change!

ASEQ-EHAQ relies on membership dues and donations in order to carry out our Mission. For this reason, we ask for a nominal membership fee of $10 for life.

Membership gives you access to:

  • Telephone support hotline to answer questions on ecological strategies for your daily life
  • Online resource center for safe alternatives
  • Regular distributions on the latest information on Environmental Health Issues
  • A monthly newsletter on issues related to Environmental Health
  • Opportunities to attend conferences and workshops on environmental health
  • Opportunities to participate in surveys, research, focus groups, and other special projects
  • Access to apply to ECOASIS – Our exciting, affordable, healthy housing project for people suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity.

Charitable receipts will be given for all donations (except for $10 membership dues)
Canadian Registration Charity No. BN 81011 6624 RR0001

You may register using one of the three methods below:


Complete and submit the form below.

By mail

Please fill this membership form and post it to us along with your cheque or postal money order:
Saint-Sauveur, Québec
J0R 1R0

By phone

Communicate with us at