L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Requests for accommodation

Let us work together to remove stigmatization of MCS

Accommodation for the disability of multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) are made for the removal of barriers that cause the disability. Why is this important? It is important so that the person experiencing MCS can have access to all aspects of health care (emergency, hospital accommodation, clinics, ambulance, etc.), essential services, travel, places of worship and learning, and within the community. In a nutshell, a person experiencing the MCS disability has the right to access and quality of life and liberty.

What are the barriers for this disability?

Chemicals contained in fragrances, perfumes, scents, and in scented products, and include products that are not ecological or health friendly, such as products that are used for personal use, cleaning, laundry, renovations, construction, and gardening. This also includes smoke from all sources and the presence of mould.

How can these barriers be removed, to allow for accessibility?

There are solutions, and they include:

  • Fragrance-free policies that are based on education, awareness, with updated information to be able to remove these barriers (i.e., product choices for all uses), and most important, the ability to enforce the policy.
  • Least-toxic product use for all applications: such as for cleaning, renovation, construction, maintenance, garden and lawn care, etc.
  • Mould-free buildings

Accommodations in the workplace are expected to be made up to the point of undue hardship. What about access for this disability elsewhere? This must extend to all spheres of life, and be upheld by our justice systems.

Listening to all the stories of refusal to accommodate, the stigma due to lack of education and awareness and recently, the damning INSPQ report on MCS, we at ASEQ-EHAQ are putting forward a Stigma Reporting Form, to report on refusals to accommodate the disability of MCS.

Your participation is voluntary, and your responses will remain confidential. We operate under the Privacy Act and would never share personal information (such as name, address, contact information).

We will be using the stories to gather information on:

  1. The harm of the INSPQ report on MCS
  2. Accommodation requests that refused, or inadequately accommodated
  3. Your experience of making these requests

This information can be used to report the harm caused in order to make the changes we need to happen – and as mentioned above, your identify will always remain anonymous.

If you need help filling this form, we are available to help you.

Email :

Phone: 514 332 4320

Click here to access the form that you can fill online

Click here to access the form as a pdf