Take Back Your Power: Nova Scotia – Workshops for people experiencing MCS in Atlantic Canada
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Take Back Your Power: Nova Scotia – Workshops for people experiencing MCS in Atlantic Canada
Take Back Your Power: Nova Scotia – Workshops for people experiencing MCS in Atlantic Canada.
Province-specific workshops for people experiencing MCS, their families, friends, and allies.
In October, the Environmental Health Association of Canada, the Environmental Health Association of Québec, ARCH Disability Law Centre, NB Lung, and the Council of Canadians with Disabilities will be hosting workshops for people experiencing MCS. This workshop is meant to inform on the medical condition and the rights of people experiencing Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. We invite all to join to learn more about the medical condition and accommodation requirements for this disability.
Nova Scotia on October 27th (6:30-8pm ADT / 5:30-7pm EST):
*Note: Province-specific information will be presented. Registration is possible for events in all the provinces.