L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Transitioning to Organic Foods for the New Year

As January 1st creeps closer, New Year’s resolutions become a recurring thought in everyone’s mind. The arrival of the New Year has the ability to make most people look back at their year and contemplate what made them happy, what took up too much space and time, what was beneficial, and what could have been improved. In doing so, you […]

A New Trend for Gift-Giving for the Holidays!

The holiday season is here once again. This is a time where you gather with your loved ones, or – as we are in the middle of a pandemic – we can gather instead with those we live with. Despite who we celebrate with, we endeavour to show our love and gratitude of having them in our lives, and the […]

Hair Products and Recipes to Use That You Will Not Regret

Hair can be considered a medium where humans exert their creativity to create an outcome that conveys their identity. It is your choice if you decide to enhance your natural waves, tame the frizzes, dye it a different color, chop inches off, or let it grow down past your shoulders and even your waist. We all have a different way […]

Recipes and Recommendations that will Improve your Oral Hygiene

Do you want to change over to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle but you don’t know where to start? Rather than wait until you develop a reaction to certain chemicals and ingredients found in commonly used commercial dental products, here are some tips on how to implement a healthier and more natural lifestyle right now. One way to start living healthier […]

Artistic Sources for Learning About Environmental Sensitivities

Environmental sensitivities are reactions that are triggered by factors within our environment, such as food, chemicals, radiation and biological agents. The ASEQ-EHAQ website provides careful detail on this topic, as well as information about the symptoms and causes of environmental sensitivities. If you are interested in learning more about this issue, this website would be the perfect place to start. […]