L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Why They Should Be on Your Radar

POPs. Nope, not as in soda, the fizzy liquid that we drink despite our better judgement. I’m talking about POPs: persistent organic pollutants. Unfortunately, it isn’t as fun as soda, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore it. As a result of their past and ongoing uses, POPs are deeply engrained into our global environment, quickly becoming a massive problem […]

A Quick Summary of the IPCC’s AR6: Summary for Policymakers, Section D

Section D of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), titled Limiting Future Climate Change, discusses future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios where reduction measures are in place, and the climactic outcome of these scenarios. This section touches upon two points, listed below: “From a physical science perspective, limiting human-induced global warming to a specific level […]

A Quick Summary of the IPCC’s AR6: Summary for Policymakers, Section C

Section C of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), titled Climate Information for Risk Assessment and Regional Adaptation, discusses the importance of knowing the range of possible climate responses to anthropogenic influences, natural factors, and internal variability. Understanding what could be expected in climate responses allows us to better prepare, respond, and adapt to these […]

A Quick Summary of the IPCC’s AR6: Summary for Policymakers, Section B

Section B of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), titled Possible Climate Futures, goes over five possible greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions scenarios and examines the climate responses to each of the scenarios. Level of emissions in each scenario depend on socio-economic factors, climate change mitigation levels, and levels of air pollution controls. They analyse a […]

A Quick Summary of the IPCC’s AR6: Summary for Policymakers, Part A

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) just recently released the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), titled Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, in which recent understanding, findings, and knowledge from studies on the climate system are integrated into this comprehensive report that can be accessed by anyone: citizens and policy makers alike. The report has a section titled Summary […]

Composting 101

Some people believe that composting is too complicated, smells too bad, takes too much time to accomplish, and that it is overall a very messy affair. This is untrue, as it is in fact quite easy and quick to make your own compost if you know how to do it. It is also worth making organic compost, where only food […]

The Environmental Working Group’s 2021 Dirty Dozen List

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a widely known organization that has an eminent guide to pesticides and produce. More specifically, the group takes in data from tests conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and then categorizes produce into a list titled “Dirty Dozen,” which ranks the twelve top produce items that contain the most pesticide residues, or […]

Earth Day Every Day

Another Earth Day has come and gone, and with it the reminder that we need to take better care of our home. Each year on April 22nd, people around the world take a good look at the state that the planet is in, and are reminded that human action is the only way to undo all the wrongs that we […]

Montreal’s Space for Life: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Montreal is home to a diverse array of institutions showcasing different elements of the natural world. It is not uncommon for those residing in or nearby the metropolis to have visited or heard of one of these five influential institutions, after all it is not only their educational value that makes them well-known, but also their architecture, which enriches Montreal’s […]

A Guide to Eating Organic

There are many reasons as to why you should or would want to switch from eating meals mainly comprised of conventionally grown foods, to favoring organic foods. Organic foods turn out to be more local, healthy, and grown sustainably when compared to their conventional counterparts. It may seem overwhelming and impossible to begin this shift, but step by step it […]