L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

A Grim Choice: When Inaccessible Spaces Lead to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic condition that causes severe reactions to chemicals found in everyday products like fragrances, cleaning agents, and building materials. For over 1.13 million Canadians with MCS, the world is often inaccessible. Public spaces, workplaces, healthcare facilities, and housing are filled with chemicals that trigger debilitating symptoms. Yet, despite its prevalence, MCS remains poorly understood […]

Introducing RESILIENCE 2025: A Groundbreaking Conference on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Introducing RESILIENCE 2025: A Groundbreaking Conference on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) The world is becoming increasingly aware of environmental health challenges, but one condition remains largely misunderstood and overlooked—Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). Affecting over one million Canadians and millions more globally, MCS is a disabling medical condition that can severely impact daily life. Yet, despite its prevalence, many individuals struggle […]

Empowering Change: A Member’s Journey to Fragrance-Free Accommodation

At the Environmental Health Association of Quebec (ASEQ-EHAQ), we pride ourselves on building a community where every member’s voice is heard and valued. Recently, one of our members shared a compelling story that beautifully illustrates the impact of our collective efforts. Living in a senior’s village in rural Ontario, our member faced a persistent challenge: fragrance exposure in shared laundry […]

8 common myths about climate change

6 min read Climate change is impacting human lives and health in a variety of ways. It threatens the essential ingredients of good health – clean air, safe drinking water, nutritious food supply, and safe shelter – and has the potential to undermine decades of progress in global health. We are often overwhelmed with the amount of information on climate […]

Month of May — Take back your power!

Month of May Take back your power! The Month of May is the month for raising awareness and education for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). This month can increase visibility and support by the sharing of knowledge about the MCS condition. With many unmet needs experienced in this community, the Month of May is incredibly important to ensure that people are […]

URGENT: Help Save Sophia’s Life

She will die by lethal injection on February 22, 2022 unless she finds healthy housing… We are currently seeking support for Sophia, a woman in Toronto who is in urgent need of housing. She is diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, which is a disability. Instead of providing her with accessible housing (free of volatile organic compounds and chemicals from commonly […]

Questions for all Political Parties

People with disabilities across Canada face many barriers. This fact is very true for people experiencing multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). This condition and disability mean symptoms upon exposure to certain chemicals which can bar individuals’ access to many public spaces. These spaces can be grocery stores, retail stores, public transit, community gatherings, legal and government spaces, hotels and restaurants, and […]