L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

The force that drives ASEQ-EHAQ

ASEQ-EHAQ is an organization that has been built and run by volunteers who strongly believe in the necessity for change with regards to multiple chemical sensitivity.

It is unacceptable for us to watch people suffer and do nothing to help them.

Our compassion and care are constantly being called to action when, on a daily basis, we are presented with suffering and illness that is not being properly addressed.

This in turn leads to loss of employment and oftentimes loss of housing, family and their support system.

We constantly see the deplorable: people misunderstood and marginalized, and all because they have lost tolerance for chemicals commonly encountered in society.

Despite all this, we are constantly amazed by the ingenious ways members cope with and overcome the most challenging and seemingly hopeless situations.

These are the people who drive the energy that moves the organization towards working hard for this disability.

Our goal is to have multiple chemical sensitivity recognized, and for people who suffer to receive appropriate treatment and social services here in Québec and across Canada.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) are increasing in Canada. In 2020,  1, 130, 800 people have been diagnosed with MCS. Of them, up to 72% are women, and a significant percentage of them are over the age of 55. (Statistics Canada).