L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec


As a result of numerous appeals from people suffering from toxic injury, the Allergy and Environmental Health Association of Québec (presently known as the Environmental Health Association of Québec) was started in 2004.

One of the first informal meetings took place in a park in Westmount, Québec. Five people, many of whom were severely intolerant to perfumes and other chemicals and who could not find any building in which to meet, came together in the only place they could all tolerate, and held the group’s first meeting.

They dared to dream – of reaching out to others with the same health problem, of obtaining healthy spaces so they could get their freedom back, of treatment and support so that they could recover their health.

Today, in June 2020, there are 1,800 members and 40 group members in ASEQ-EHAQ.