L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Composting 101

Some people believe that composting is too complicated, smells too bad, takes too much time to accomplish, and that it is overall a very messy affair. This is untrue, as it is in fact quite easy and quick to make your own compost if you know how to do it. It is also worth making organic compost, where only food […]

The Environmental Working Group’s 2021 Dirty Dozen List

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a widely known organization that has an eminent guide to pesticides and produce. More specifically, the group takes in data from tests conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and then categorizes produce into a list titled “Dirty Dozen,” which ranks the twelve top produce items that contain the most pesticide residues, or […]

Earth Day Every Day

Another Earth Day has come and gone, and with it the reminder that we need to take better care of our home. Each year on April 22nd, people around the world take a good look at the state that the planet is in, and are reminded that human action is the only way to undo all the wrongs that we […]

Montreal’s Space for Life: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Montreal is home to a diverse array of institutions showcasing different elements of the natural world. It is not uncommon for those residing in or nearby the metropolis to have visited or heard of one of these five influential institutions, after all it is not only their educational value that makes them well-known, but also their architecture, which enriches Montreal’s […]

Open your mind and change the world: Support someone with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS)

Over one million Canadians have been diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), a recognized disability under the Canadian Human Rights Act.[1] The number of diagnosed cases has been increasing (Statistics Canada, 2015-2016), with up to 75% being women and close to 50% being seniors (Statistics Canada, 2016). Despite these facts, it is likely that many people have never heard about […]

Environmental Triggers Impacting Everyday Life

‘You’re Too Sensitive!’.
Environmental Triggers Impacting Everyday Life.
by most of us. We have become so acclimatized to the omnipresence of car exhaust, cologne and cleaning products, it’s just something we’ve learned to tolerate, carrying on in our personal and work lives without even a second thought.

Sunscreen’s Environmental Cost

In 2018, the U.S. state of Hawaii banned the sale of sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate, two of the most commonly used UV blockers. Key West, a city in Florida, and Palau, a small island nation, followed suit with their own bans on the chemicals. It’s no coincidence these bans were all passed in coastal regions, home to marine environments. […]