L'Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Scent/Fragrance-Free Educational Poster

Tip Sheet

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Scent/Fragrance-Free Educational Poster

Empowering Community and Removal of Barriers (ECRoB)

Thank you for implementing a fragrance-free policy in your establishment.

It takes all of us to provide equity, inclusion, and accessibility!

Why scent/fragrance-free facilities?

According to Statistics Canada, disability is recognized as “a social disadvantage that an unsupportive environment imposes on top of an individual’s impairment.” (Statistics Canada, 2017)

People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and other health conditions can have mild to severe reactions to chemicals that are contained in scents or fragranced products. These reactions are disabling and can require disability accommodations. (CHRC, 2019) We are promoting a scent-free policy in order to create a safe space for all – especially those disabled by their environments via scents and fragrances.

Scent-free policies ensure that no one is being exposed to these toxic chemicals. This practice improves air quality which helps reduce the development or exacerbation of chronic health conditions. (CHRC, 2019)

There are people who become medically disabled by fragrances including but not limited to those with: asthma1, autism2, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease3 (COPD), migraines4, and multiple chemical sensitivities5 (MCS). This is a significant number of Canadians!

Note: The term ‘scent-free/fragrance-free’ includes products without scents, fragrances, perfumes, colognes, essential oil, incense, and masking agents, and are lowest-emission and least-toxic.

Want to help us advocate for environmental health and accessibility? Join us at ASEQ-EHAC:


L’Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec / Environmental Health Association of Québec (ASEQ-EHAQ). (2020). Mon Poison Votre Parfum.

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). (2019). Scent-Free Policy for the Workplace.

Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). (2020).

Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), 2019. Environmental Sensitivity and Scent-free Policies.

MacKenzie, A., Hurst, M., Crompton, S. (2009). “Defining disability in the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey.” Canadian Social Trends. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-008-X.

Public Health Agency of Canada, (2019).

Statistics Canada. (2017). Women with Disabilities.

Ramage-Morin & Gilmour. (2014).

1 Asthma affects 10.8% of Canadians (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2018)

2 2% of Canadian children aged 1-17 years are diagnosed as autistic. (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2019)

3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) affects 9.4% of Canadians (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2018)

4 Migraines affect 8.3% of Canadians (Ramage-Morin & Gilmour 2014)

5 Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) affects 3.5% of Canadians (CCHS, 2020)