Homeowner Seasonal Cleaning Schedule
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
Homeowner Seasonal Cleaning Schedule
Empowering Community and Removal of Barriers (ECRoB)
In terms of optimizing indoor air quality on a seasonal schedule, here are some general seasonal tips for cleaning for homeowners:
- Radon testing.
- Check and clean or replace on a regular schedule the filters on the furnace, air purifiers and air exchangers, and on your water systems (whole house or individual).
- Open windows.
- Spring cleaning/getting rid of clutter and dust.
- Check the caulking in the bathroom (the shower, bath), and around all windows.
- Clear eavestroughs and downspouts.
- Use a dehumidifier if your home becomes too humid.
- Clean or replace air conditioning filters.
- Deep clean carpets and rugs.
- Get your furnace checked.
- Check chimneys for blockages and get them cleaned if you have a wood stove.
- Ensure doors and windows are properly sealed.